What religion does Buddha belong to?

What religion does Buddha belong to?


Who lived first Jesus or Buddha?

Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama) insisted he was human and that there is no almighty, benevolent God. He preached that desire was the root cause of suffering and that people should seek to eliminate desire. He was born in present-day Nepal roughly 500 years before Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth).

Can you believe in God and be a Buddhist?

Buddhists seek to reach a state of nirvana, following the path of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who went on a quest for Enlightenment around the sixth century BC. There is no belief in a personal god. Buddhists believe that nothing is fixed or permanent and that change is always possible.

Who is the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama

Did Buddha really exist?

Buddha, born with the name Siddhartha Gautama, was a teacher, philosopher and spiritual leader who is considered the founder of Buddhism. The name Buddha means “one who is awakened” or “the enlightened one.” While scholars agree that Buddha did in fact exist, the specific dates and events of his life are still debated.

Did Jesus become Buddhist?

Certainly he was many things-Jew, prophet, healer, moral- ist, revolutionary, by his own admission the Messiah, and for most Christians the Son of God and redeemer of their sins. And there is convincing evidence that he was also a Buddhist. Historical evidence indicates that Jesus was well acquainted with Buddhism.

Was Jesus a reincarnation Buddha?

Originally Answered: Is Jesus the reincarnation of Buddha? No. If you question is because there are similarities in the teachings.

Where did Jesus go for 30 years?

According to this text, which Notovitch had translated into French, Jesus had spent his missing years – the years between his childhood and the beginning of his ministry – studying Buddhism in India. At the age of about 30, he’d returned to the Middle East and the life that is familiar to us from the New Testament.

What was Jesus doing before 30?

SUMMARY: Jesus lived in Nazareth during his childhood to adulthood of the age 30 and worked as a carpenter.