What theme is supported by the excerpt?

What theme is supported by the excerpt?

Answer. Explanation: The theme that is supported by the excerpt is that people should indulge their curiosities.

Which lines from the text best support this theme one theme found throughout the Odyssey is that help often comes when least expected?

One theme found throughout the epic narrative is that help often comes when it is least expected. This is evident from the lines “Some god guided us that night, for we could barely see our bows in the dense fog around us” in Book IX where Odysseus describes their entry into the land of the Cyclops.

What theme is the best revealed by this conflict?

Answer Expert Verified. The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: “With cooperation, crews can defeat the gods.” The theme that is best revealed by this conflict is that With cooperation, crews can defeat the gods.

What theme is best revealed by this conflict we would entreat you?

Answer: The theme best revealed by this conflict is: B. It is wise to know the enemy you face.

What theme is best revealed by this conflict as long as bread?

What theme is best revealed by this conflict? It is easy to uphold morals when one is not suffering.

What does the simile add to the passage check all that apply Part 2 of the Odyssey?

From the given excerpt from part 2 of the Odyssey, it is narrated that the Cyclops had caught two of Odysseus’ men and held them like puppies, while beating their brains out. The simile here “like squirming puppies” gives an image of helplessness and makes a comparison between the men and innocent animals.

Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt his chores?

Answer: The Cyclops’ effort to move the stone is compared to a simple task, showing his strength.

What theme is best revealed by this conflict Part 2 of the Odyssey?


Which excerpt from Part 2 of the Odyssey best supports the conclusion?

The excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey which best support the conclusion that Odysseus is clever is ‘My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy. ‘

Which themes are found in the Odyssey check all that apply?

The correct answers are 1) Too much pride is dangerous, 2) A great leader is responsible and 3) Great journeys often lead back home. These three themes are found in the novel The Odyssey by Homer.

What theme is supported by the excerpt Part 2 of the Odyssey?

Answer Expert Verified. Your answer would be, Read the Excerpt from Part 2, of the Odyssey, What theme is supported by the excerpt. (Theme supported by the excerpt), Is that, It is wise to follow the counsel of trusted friends.

What is Odysseus being compared to?

Odysseus is being compared to a gold infused on silver by a craftsman (434).