What tools and equipment are commonly used in the laboratory?

What tools and equipment are commonly used in the laboratory?

Name Use
Beaker (glass or plastic) Used to stir, heat (if glass), and measure liquid volume in mL (rough estimate).
Beaker Tongs Used to handle hot beakers.
Florence Flask Glassware used to heat and store substances.
Erlenmeyer Flask Glassware used to heat and store substances.

What equipment is used in a lab?

Among the many items that would be considered general lab equipment are pipettes, scales, centrifuges, Bunsen burners, freezers, hot plates, incubators, coolers, stirrers, water baths, and fume hoods – to name a few.

What are laboratory equipment and their uses?

What are the 20 common laboratory apparatus and their uses?

  • Microscope. A microscope is a popular piece of lab equipment used to observe things that are too small and are not visible to the naked human eye.
  • Test tube.
  • Watch glass.
  • Crucible.
  • Volumetric flasks.
  • Beakers.
  • Bunsen burner.
  • Spatula.

What are the 20 common laboratory apparatus and their uses?

20 common School Science laboratory equipment and their uses?

  • Microscope: A microscope is a very basic and needful equipment of biology laboratory.
  • Test tubes: The next very common apparatus are the test tubes.
  • Beakers:
  • Magnifying glass:
  • Volumetric flask:
  • Bunsen burner:
  • Dropper.
  • Thermometer:

What are the uses of laboratory?

Engineers use laboratories as well to design, build, and test technological devices. Scientific laboratories can be found as research room and learning spaces in schools and universities, industry, government, or military facilities, and even aboard ships and spacecraft.

What are basic laboratory techniques?


  • Extraction.
  • Drying Agents.

What are the 5 Rules of lab safety?

Five Lab Safety Rules You Must Follow

  • Lab safety is one of the most important concerns when you are working with medical supplies, hazardous chemicals, and heavy-duty equipment.
  • Wear Proper Lab Clothing.
  • Handle Chemicals with Care.
  • Properly Care for the Equipment.
  • Always Locate Emergency Equipment.
  • Keep Food and Drink Out of the Lab.

What are laboratory skills?

Basic laboratory skills:

  • Safety and conduct in a laboratory (click for HELP)
  • Experimental design – sampling, replication, etc.
  • Accurate experimental manipulations.
  • Accurate recording and record keeping.
  • Construction and testing of hypotheses.
  • Calculation of molarities, dilutions, etc.

What is the most essential laboratory technique?

1. Blotting Techniques. Blotting is the most common lab technique widely used in the field of cell & molecular biology.

What are the common laboratory operations?

Common Laboratory Operations – Title of Lab Common… Liquids and substances were used to demonstrate procedures such as transferring, heating, measuring, measuring temperature, separation, precipitation, filtration, decantation, and evaporation. Introduction Common laboratory operations are used daily by chemist.

What is dry and wet lab?

A wet lab is one where drugs, chemicals, and other types of biological matter can be analyzed and tested by using various liquids. On the other hand, a dry lab environment focuses more on applied or computational mathematical analyses via the creation of computer-generated models or simulations.

What is the significance of learning the basic laboratory techniques?

Research has shown that students who engage in well-designed laboratory experiences develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as gain exposure to reactions, materials, and equipment in a lab setting.

Why is it important to know the use of laboratory tools and equipment?

Science can be fun but it can also be dangerous because you can be working with any kind of objects, chemicals, or minerals that may be able to harm you or someone else. You must know your lab equipment and how to use it for not only your experiment but also faults that may occur during or after the experiment.

Are the laboratory techniques useful in our daily lives how?

The laboratory techniques are very important in a researcher’s life. These skills play a significant role in order to perform various experiments and to run various tests. Without proper knowledge, one can not apply these techniques in projects and researches. These techniques are vital for most of the experiments.

Why laboratory experiments are important?

Science experiments promote discovery and learning. Discovering new ideas is an integral part of learning science. Science experiments play a very crucial role in the on going intellectual development of children. In science laboratories, children get time, space, as well as resources to exercise their curiosity.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of laboratory experiments?

1. Lab Experiment

  • Strength: It is easier to replicate (i.e. copy) a laboratory experiment.
  • Strength: They allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables.
  • Limitation: The artificiality of the setting may produce unnatural behavior that does not reflect real life, i.e. low ecological validity.

How do you write a lab purpose?

Purpose/Problem: The purpose or problem states the reason(s) why you are doing the experiment. Write down exactly the problem that will be investigated or experimented. Purposes can be stated as a question.

How do you write a lab procedure?

Tips on writing the Methods: Review directions in the lab manual and your notes taken during the lab. Include enough detail for someone else to repeat your procedure. Describe the procedure clearly. Describe what you actually did, even though it may be different from the ideal procedure in the manual.

How do you write aim in a lab report?

An aim is a single statement that describe the purpose or reason for why we are conducting an experiment. An aim should be brief and concise. It should state the purpose of the experiment without providing a prediction. An aim usually starts with “To determine…”

What is the problem in a lab report?

A problem statement is a short statement — ranging from a sentence to a paragraph — that clearly identifies the problem that an experiment will address. In other words, the problem statement establishes the reason for conducting the experiment.

What is a method in a lab report?

The Materials and Methods section is a vital component of any formal lab report. This section of the report gives a detailed account of the procedure that was followed in completing the experiment(s) discussed in the report.

What is the content of laboratory report?

A laboratory report usually have several sections identified by titles. A typical report would include such sections as TITLE, INTRODUCTION, PROCEDURE, RESULTS, and DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION. If you are using a computer to type your work, section headings should be in boldface.

How do you write a good hypothesis?

However, there are some important things to consider when building a compelling hypothesis.

  1. State the problem that you are trying to solve. Make sure that the hypothesis clearly defines the topic and the focus of the experiment.
  2. Try to write the hypothesis as an if-then statement.
  3. Define the variables.

What is simple hypothesis?

Simple hypotheses are ones which give probabilities to potential observations. The contrast here is with complex hypotheses, also known as models, which are sets of simple hypotheses such that knowing that some member of the set is true (but not which) is insufficient to specify probabilities of data points.

What is hypothesis explain?

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.