What trilogy means?

What trilogy means?

: a series of three dramas or literary works or sometimes three musical compositions that are closely related and develop a single theme.

How do you say series in French?

French translation of ‘series’

  1. ( on TV, radio) série f. A new series starts on Friday. Une nouvelle série commence vendredi. a TV series une série télévisée. a comedy series une série comique.
  2. (= succession) série f. a series of meetings une série de réunions.
  3. (= set of books, films) série f.

What does La Serie mean in English?

series of things

What’s a snitch mean?

informal + disapproving : a person who tells someone in authority (such as the police or a teacher) about something wrong that someone has done : someone who snitches.

What does rat mean in texting?


What does rat mean slang?

These negative traits have led to the informal meaning of rat, “hateful person,” “liar,” or “double-crosser.” You can also use rat as a verb to mean “betray or snitch on.”

Is rats a bad word?

In many parts of the world the word rats is used as a mild swearword or expletive. Drat has been adapted to rats. This definition comes from the new Oxford American dictionary. Another reason that the name of the rat is used as an expletive is because rats have a strong negative association with disease and dirt.

What does rat mean in gaming?

(1) (Radio Access Technology) See Multi RAT. (2) (Remote Access Trojan) Software in a user’s machine that is interactively controlled by an attacker.

What to do if someone calls you a rat?

A new study found that rats display compassion for their fellow rodents, even if they have nothing to gain.

Is Rat a compliment?

Calling someone a “rat” is no compliment, but a new study shows that rats actually are empathetic and will altruistically lend a helping paw to a cage mate who is stuck in a trap.

What does it mean when a girl calls you a rat?

If you call someone a rat, you mean that you are angry with them or dislike them, often because they have cheated you or betrayed you. [informal, disapproval]