What type of word is birthday?

What type of word is birthday?


Is birthday a noun?

The noun ”birthday” is a common noun. Common nouns make reference to non-specific objects, people, places or concepts, as opposed to proper nouns,…

Which article is used for mango?

A is generally used before singular nouns which begin with a consonant. AN is usually used to introduce singular nouns that begin with a vowel. In this sentence, we are talking specifically about the mangoes that were bought yesterday. Hence, we use the definite article ‘the’.

What is the article before boy?

A) The indefinite article ‘a’ is used before a singular common noun beginning with a consonant sound; as, A boy, a girl, a man, a woman, a university, a union, a one rupee coin, and so on.

Which is correct a mango or an mango?

The plural of mango is mangoes or mangos. Ripe, unpeeled mangoes give off a distinctive sweet smell. Mangos have been cultivated in South Asia for thousands of years.

What is the plural for mango?

Your word, “mango”, belongs to the last category, so you can you both forms to make it plural (mangos-mangoes).

What is the plural of fish?

The plural of fish is usually fish. When referring to more than one species of fish, especially in a scientific context, you can use fishes as the plural.

Is Fishies a real word?

1. Resembling or suggestive of fish, as in taste or odor. 2. Cold or expressionless: a fishy stare.

Is beeves a real word?

Emeritus Professor of Applied Language Studies at the University of Queensland, Professor Roly Sussex confirms that yes, the plural of ‘beef’ is ‘beeves’ according to the Oxford Dictionary and the Merriam Webster Dictionary. “It’s archaic and dialectal and not really used very much nowadays.” he said.

What is the plural of people?

So basically, both person and people can be used as singular nouns, people can be used as a plural noun and persons and peoples are also acceptable plural forms.

What is the plural of cactus?

noun. Save Word. cac·​tus | \ ˈkak-təs \ plural cacti\ ˈkak-​ˌtī , -​(ˌ)tē \ or cactuses also cactus.