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What was Langston Hughes known for?

What was Langston Hughes known for?

Langston Hughes was one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance, which was the African American artistic movement in the 1920s that celebrated black life and culture. Hughes’s creative genius was influenced by his life in New York City’s Harlem, a primarily African American neighborhood.

Why was Harlem important in the 1920s?

In the 1920s and 1930s, Harlem became a symbol of the African American struggle for civil and economic equality while emerging as a flourishing center of black culture, art and music.

What is Harlem movement?

The Harlem Renaissance was an African American cultural movement that flourished in the 1920s and had Harlem in New York City as its symbolic capital.

What is the racial makeup of Harlem?

The racial makeup of the neighborhood was 9.5% (11,322) White, 63% (74,735) African American, 0.3% (367) Native American, 2.4% (2,839) Asian, 0% (46) Pacific Islander, 0.3% (372) from other races, and 2.2% (2,651) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 22.2% (26,333) of the population.

Is Harlem safe for tourists?

And for the worriers, Harlem is safer than it has been in half a century, though it’s still advisable to stay out of the parks at night, to keep an eye on your wallet in crowds, and to avoid areas that don’t feel safe. …

What percent of Manhattan is black?


What percentage of Brooklyn is black?


What is the male to female ratio in New York City?

New York City’s population is 53% female and 47% male.

What percent of NYC is white?


Persons 65 years and over, percent  14.5%
Female persons, percent  52.3%
Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent  42.7%

Which city in Texas has the highest black population?


What US cities have the highest African American population?

New York city had the largest number of people reporting as Black with about 2.3 million, followed by Chicago, 1.1 million, and Detroit, Philadelphia and Houston, which had between 500,000 and 1 million each.