What was the index in the Reformation?

What was the index in the Reformation?

Index Librorum Prohibitorum
The Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“List of Prohibited Books”) was a list of publications deemed heretical or contrary to morality by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (a former Dicastery of the Roman Curia), and Catholics were forbidden to read them.

Who wrote the index librorum Prohibitorum?

Martinez de Bujanda
Martinez de Bujanda, Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 1600–1966, Geneva, 2002. The Index includes entries for single or multiple works by an author, all works by an author in a given genre or dealing with a given topic.

What was the Papal Index?

Compiled by official censors, the Index was an implementation of one part of the teaching function of the Roman Catholic church: to prevent the contamination of the faith or the corruption of morals through the reading of theologically erroneous or immoral books.

Why was backgammon once banned by the Catholic Church?

Emperor Nero was a prodigious gambler. He played for today’s equivalent of $10,000 a game. The game continued to be played throughout the latter stages of the last millennium but it had constant battles with authorities and the church who wanted to ban it because of the gambling element.

Was backgammon once banned by the Catholic Church?

The Catholic church didn’t approve of a lot of things back in the days. One such thing was Backgammon, which they banned during the sixteenth century. They ordered all boards to be burned, just like numerous books that they deemed unholy. This is also the time when foldable backgammon boards were invented.

Why did the Catholic Church published the Index of Forbidden books?

The purpose of the “Index of Forbidden Books” was to prevent the contamination of the faith or the corruption of morals of Roman Catholics according to canon law, through the reading of theologically erroneous or immoral books. The condemnation of published books, thus listed in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.