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What was the term for the piece of land given by the king or the lord to the vassal?

What was the term for the piece of land given by the king or the lord to the vassal?

Feudalism: A grand of land given by a lord to a vassal in return for an oath of loyalty and armed warriors. fief. You just studied 39 terms!

Did all Knights have land?

Yes they did. Knights held a knight’s fee (fief), which was enough land to support the needs of a knight, his family, assistants, and money to buy military equipment. In return for the privilege of holding land, the knight would have to provide the knight’s service or shield silver, or scutage.

Who was the vassals land given?

Vassal – A free man who held land (fief) from a lord to whom he paid homage and swore fealty. He owed various services and obligations, primarily military.

What was a lord’s estate called in medieval times?

manor house

How did the Black Death improve peasants lives?

In just 3 years (1348 to 1350) the Black Death destroyed a third of England’s population. Such a dramatic drop in population gave peasants real economic power for the first time NATIONAL ARCHIVES; this improved the economic position of manorial tenants and labourers in the countryside.

How did peasants get paid?

The one thing the peasant had to do in Medieval England was to pay out money in taxes or rent. He had to pay rent for his land to his lord; he had to pay a tax to the church called a tithe. A peasant could pay in cash or in kind – seeds, equipment etc.

Why were peasants unhappy in 1381?

Peasants’ Revolt, also called Wat Tyler’s Rebellion, (1381), first great popular rebellion in English history. Its immediate cause was the imposition of the unpopular poll tax of 1381, which brought to a head the economic discontent that had been growing since the middle of the century.

Why did the Black Death make peasants angry?

The Peasants Revolt saw several deaths and posed a serious risk to the young King Richard II. Unrest over rights, taxation and the relationship between lords, the church and the people had been growing since the Black Death. The immediate cause, it’s spark, was a Poll Tax Riot in Fobbing, Kent.

Who wrote the twelve articles?

The manifesto of the Peasants’ Revolt, adopted at Memmingen in March 1525. The Articles, which were drafted by Christoph Schappeler or Sebastian Lotzer, set out the peasants’ demands, which included …

What happened to the leaders of the Peasants Revolt?

Most of the rebel leaders were tracked down and executed; by November, at least 1,500 rebels had been killed. The Peasants’ Revolt has been widely studied by academics.

How significant was the Peasants Revolt?

How important was the Peasants’ Revolt? The Whig historians portrayed the revolt as the start of the English people’s fight for freedom – as the beginning of the end of the feudal system . They said the feudal system was coming to an end anyway because the Black Death had made labour so expensive.