What were Cassius and Brutus arguing about?

What were Cassius and Brutus arguing about?

Cassius and Brutus are fighting over Brutus’ accusations against Lucius Pella, who Brutus believes to have taken bribes. Cassius defended the man, a friend of his, and is angry that Brutus punished Pella anyway, despite the fact that Cassius wrote letters in his defence.

How is the conflict between Cassius and Brutus similar to the one between Antony and Octavius?

The two relationships are alike in that they are both based on mutual need. Antony and Octavius need to work together to defeat Cassius and Brutus; Cassius and Brutus have no chance to prevail against Antony and Cassius if they don’t settle their differences and stay united in their war against their enemies.

What does this interaction between Cassius and Brutus reveal about Brutus motivations Brutus is motivated by fear he disagrees with the assassination plot Brutus is motivated by his friendship with both Caesar and Mark Antony to protect them from the assassination plot Brutus believes the assassination is a noble act?

What does this interaction between Cassius and Brutus reveal about Brutus’ motivations? Brutus is motivated by fear: he disagrees with the assassination plot. Brutus is motivated by his friendship with both Caesar and Mark Antony to protect them from the assassination plot.

Why does Cassius offer to be Brutus mirror in ACT 1.2 Brutus is unable to see Caesar for what he really is because he once saved him in battle Cassius wants to control what Brutus sees in order to manipulate him into thinking Caesar is worse than?

Why does Cassius offer to be Brutus’ mirror in act 1.2? A. Brutus is unable to see Caesar for what he really is because he once saved him in battle. Cassius wants to control what Brutus sees in order to manipulate him into thinking Caesar is worse than he really is.

Which sector of society pays lowest?

Which sector of society paid the lowest amount to attend plays at the Globe Theatre? The middle class paid the lowest amount.

Why does Caesar say Cassius is dangerous?

Why does Caesar, in Scene 2, think Cassius is dangerous? Caesar worries because Cassius thinks too much. He says that people like Cassius are never happy if they see someone better off than themselves.

What event disturbs Brutus?

In Act 2, Scene 1, the upcoming event that disturbs Brutus is the crowning of Caesar. Brutus fears that if Caesar becomes king, this might cause him to obtain too much power.

What inferences can you draw from the way Brutus fills in these gaps?

Some inferences that I draw from the way Brutus fills in these gaps is that Brutus has doubts about Caesar because all the letters that Brutus got from the “citizens”, had complaints about Caesar, so what ever Brutus filled in, is basically what Brutus thinks.

What point does Brutus make in comparing Caesar to a serpent’s egg?

Brutus describes Caesar “ as a serpent’s egg”, “Which, hatched” he will then become dangerous and have the chance of ruining Rome and get controlled by powers. He states that they need to “Kill him in the shell” in order to prevent the worse.

What does urge Brutus letter do?

The writer urges Brutus to “speak, strike, redress.” Brutus takes that to mean that he should take action against Caesar becoming king.

Why do you think the writer of the letter leaves a gap in the letter that Lucius finds what conclusions can you draw from the way Brutus fills in this gap?

Why does the writer leave gaps in the letter Lucius finds? He knows Brutus’ doubts will fill the gaps more effectively than any words.

Why does Portia send Lucius to Brutus?

Portia sends Lucius to give her greetings to Brutus and to tell him that she is in good spirits, and then to report back immediately to her.

What does the letter that Lucius found say?

What is written in the letters that Lucius finds on Brutus’ bed? Speak, strike, fix it. Stop Caesar from being king.

Why do the conspirators finally agree not to attack Antony?

The conspirators decide not to attack Antony because they believe that he is just an extension of Caesar. If Caesar is dead, Antony will become an arm without a head. He will be unable to function.

What information does Portia ask Lucius to bring from the Capitol?

What does Portia ask of Lucius? That he is to go to the senate house, return and tell her if Caesar looks well, who is with him, and what he is doing.

What internal conflict does Brutus experience?

Brutus experiences an internal conflict between morality and friendship with Caesar versus the good of the public and Rome. Brutus seems to obey whatever the Romans ask of him. He is such an honorable man, he agrees to join in the conspiracy to kill Caesar.