What were some dangers that sailors faced?

What were some dangers that sailors faced?

Seamen were often cold and wet, rats carried disease, and a poor diet not only caused malnutrition, but specific illnesses such as scurvy – caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet. As well as injury from shipboard accidents, there was risk of death or maiming in times of battle.

What were the hardships Columbus had to face while accomplishing his mission?

His authority was conflicted and many accused him of abusing power. He was arrested and held in jail after his 3rd voyage. King Ferdinand II released him and agreed to fund one more voyage. In 1503, 12 Spaniards were killed by a force of 400 natives (this was during his last voyage).

What were the results of Christopher Columbus Exploration?

Columbus’s journeys to the Americas opened the way for European countries to colonize and exploit those lands and their peoples. Trade was soon established between Europe and the Americas. Plants native to the Americas (such as potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco) were imported to Europe.

Why did Columbus use prisoners as part of the crew?

If the ships didn’t return, it wouldn’t matter. He couldn’t find enough sailors. The best sailors were in prison.

Why didn’t the Spanish agree to Columbus’s plan immediately?

At first, Spain was busy with its Reconquista system—evicting Jews and Muslims out of their territory after centuries of war. Also, their nautical experts were skeptical of Columbus’s plan. So, they rejected him at first too—at least two times, according to historians.

Who was the captain of the Pinta on Columbus voyage in 1492?

Martín Alonso Pinzón

Why did the king of Portugal refuse to listen to Columbus?

The primary reason that Columbus was rejected by Portugal was financial. Columbus offered to sail directly west to reach the Indies and Cathay, otherwise known as China. King John II rejected the proposal because he believed Columbus had miscalculated the distance of the trip.

What Did Columbus bring back from his first voyage?

On October 12, more than two months later, Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas that he called San Salvador; the natives called it Guanahani. Columbus brought back small amounts of gold as well as native birds and plants to show the richness of the continent he believed to be Asia.

How did Christopher Columbus convince the king and queen?

Christopher Columbus, a Genoese sailor, believed that sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean was the shortest sea route to Asia. With influential supporters at court, Columbus convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to partially underwrite his expedition. …

What did Columbus promise Queen Isabella?

Columbus promised his benefactors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, to bring back gold, spices, and silks from the Far East, to spread Christianity, and to lead an expedition to China.

Where did Columbus land first?


How did America come under British rule?

British America comprised the colonial territories of the British Empire in America from 1607 to 1783. British America later gained large amounts of territory with the Treaty of Paris (1763), which ended the French and Indian War in America and the Seven Years’ War in Europe.

What did the indigenous call America?

Turtle Island is a name for the Earth or for North America, used by some Indigenous Peoples in the United States and First Nations people and by some Indigenous rights activists.

Why do Native Americans not have facial hair?

Nowadays many Native American Indians have beards and mustaches. This is mostly due to the fact the cultures are mixing and there are more and more mestizos out there. However, such mixed heritage also leads to reduced facial hair. People who have Native American blood will have trouble growing long and full beards!

What nationality came to America first?

The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.