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What will be the pace of your story?

What will be the pace of your story?

Pacing in fiction refers to the speed at which a story unfolds – its rhythm and flow, the rise and fall of its plot points and events. Basically, it’s how quickly or slowly you’re telling the story to readers. Well-considered, controlled pacing is important, because without it, a story will feel uneven and disjointed.

What does the pacing of a story mean?

In literature, pace, or pacing is the speed at which a story is told—not necessarily the speed at which the story takes place. The pace is determined by the length of the scenes, how fast the action moves, and how quickly the reader is provided with information.

What is the PACE approach?

PACE is an approach developed by Dr Dan Hughes, an American psychologist who works with traumatised children. PACE stands for Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy. These principles help to promote the experience of safety in your interactions with young people.

Why is PACE important in health and social care?

The speed or pace of communication may need to be slower to allow the person to understand what is being said or communicated to them. It is also important to allow time for the person to respond. This can mean tolerating silences while the person thinks and works out how to reply.

Why Effective communication is important in nursing?

Good communication between nurses and patients is essential for the successful outcome of individualized nursing care of each patient. To achieve this, however, nurses must understand and help their patients, demonstrating courtesy, kindness and sincerity.

What is effective communication skills in nursing?

For nurses, good communication means approaching every patient interaction with the intention to understand the patient’s concerns, experiences, and opinions. This includes using verbal and nonverbal communication skills, along with active listening and patient teach-back techniques.

What are advantages of written communication?

Advantages of Written Communication:

  • It is suitable for long distance communication and repetitive standing orders.
  • It creates permanent record of evidence.
  • It gives the receiver sufficient time to think, act and react.
  • It can be used as legal document.
  • It can be sent to many persons at a time.

Why is it important to practice effective communication now?

In today’s hectic world, we rely heavily on sharing information, resulting in greater emphasis being placed on having good communication skills. Good verbal and written communication skills are essential in order to deliver and understand information quickly and accurately.