What will happen if we pollute water?

What will happen if we pollute water?

Some health problems water pollution can cause include problems with people’s hearts, liver and kidneys. Also, it can cause diarrhea, cancer, and even cholera. Water pollution can cause many bad effects for people as well as animals.

How does contaminated water affect the environment?

Harmful algae is the result of excess nutrient pollution in the water. Poor water quality has its most direct impact on aquatic wildlife, particularly fish, bugs, and plants. Excess nutrients, sediment, road salt, and other contaminants can reduce the variety and hardiness of organisms living in the state’s waters.

What are major effects of water pollution?

Effects of Pollution of Water It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases. Destruction of Ecosystems: Ecosystems are extremely dynamic and respond to even small changes in the environment. Water pollution can cause an entire ecosystem to collapse if left unchecked.

How does industry pollute the environment?

Industries pollute the environment through: 1. Air Pollution: It happens due to the high proportion of poisonous gases in the air like carbon monoxide. Water Pollution: Organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluent that are dumped into water bodies cause water pollution.

How does industry pollute the environment explain with 3 examples?

Smoke is emitted by chemical and paper factories, brick kilns, refineries and smelting plants, and burning of fossil fuels in big and small factories. (ii) Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluents discharged into rivers.

How do industries pollute the water?

Explanation: Industries discharge chemical wastes comprising substances called effluents in rivers, lakes, streams etc. Factories sometimes turn waterways into open sewers by dumping oil, toxic chemicals and other harmful liquids called effluents into them.

Which is the major solid waste polluting water?

Water pollution has many sources. The most polluting of them are the city sewage and industrial waste discharged into the rivers. Industrial waste is defined as waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes.