What word ends in AE?

What word ends in AE?

15-letter words that end in ae

  • cercopithecidae.
  • orycteropodidae.
  • scomberesocidae.
  • steatornithidae.
  • myrmecophagidae.
  • armadillidiidae.
  • gasterophilidae.
  • platycephalidae.

Is Ae a valid word?

Definition for ae (2 of 9) In English words of Latin or Greek origin, ae is now usually represented by e, except generally in proper names (Caesar), in words belonging to Roman or Greek antiquities (aegis), and in modern words of scientific or technical use (aecium).

What word has ay in it?


  • playground.
  • playwright.
  • screenplay.
  • mayonnaise.
  • expressway.
  • passageway.
  • ballplayer.
  • bricklayer.

What starts with ay for kids?

Letter Y Word Bank:

  • yak.
  • yam.
  • yawn.
  • yellow.
  • yes.
  • yolk.
  • you.
  • young.

What country starts with the letter V?


  • Vanuatu.
  • Vatican City.
  • Venezuela.
  • Vietnam.

What is a fruit that starts with V?

Names of fruits beginning with ‘V’: Vanilla Bean, Vanuatu raspberry, Velvet apple, Velvet pink banana, Voavanga.

What’s a five letter word that starts with V?

5-letter words starting with V

Vaasa Vaayu
valid valis
Valka valli
valor Valpo
valse value

What are four letter words that start with V?

4-letter words starting with V

vaal VABs
vail vain
vair vale
vali Vals
vamp vane

Is VR a Scrabble word?

No, vr is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is VAW a Scrabble word?

VAW is a valid scrabble word.

What does VAV mean?

Words written as vav Vav at the beginning of the word has several possible meanings: vav conjunctive (Vav Hachibur, literally “the Vav of Connection” — chibur means “joining”, or “bringing together”) connects two words or parts of a sentence; it is a grammatical conjunction meaning ‘and’ .

What does VAW stand for?

Violence against women

What does WCC mean?


Acronym Definition
WCC World Council of Churches
WCC West Coast Conference
WCC West Coast Choppers
WCC Wytheville Community College

What is full form of DNO?

DNO Full Form is Descending Node Orbit

Term Definition Category
DNO Directorate Naval Operations Government
DNO distribution networks office USPS
DNO Distribution Network Operators Other
DNO Do Not Operate Business

What does DNO stand for electricity?

distribution network operator

What does DNO stand for in text?

Don’t Know

What does DNP mean in text?

Do Not Post

What does DNP mean in football?

Did Not Practice