What word rhymes with storm?

What word rhymes with storm?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
norm 100 Noun
conform 100 Verb
swarm 100 Noun, Verb
dorm 100 Noun

What are some mood words?

Here are some words that are commonly used to describe mood:

  • Cheerful.
  • Reflective.
  • Gloomy.
  • Humorous.
  • Melancholy.
  • Idyllic.
  • Whimsical.
  • Romantic.

What is another word for feelings?

Feeling Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feeling?

emotion sentiment
reaction sensibility
affection response
sensation sensitivity
affectivity susceptibility

What is feeling called in English?

an emotion or emotional perception or attitude: a feeling of joy; a feeling of sorrow. a sentiment; attitude; opinion: The general feeling was in favor of the proposal. feelings, sensibilities; susceptibilities: to hurt one’s feelings.

What is another word for strong feelings?

Feeling or expressing strong emotions – thesaurus

  • emotional. adjective. affected by and expressing strong emotion, especially sadness or anger.
  • passionate. adjective.
  • ardent. adjective.
  • impassioned. adjective.
  • tempestuous. adjective.
  • intense. adjective.
  • soulful. adjective.
  • histrionic. adjective.

Is feelings and emotions the same?

What are feelings? While emotions are associated with bodily reactions that are activated through neurotransmitters and hormones released by the brain, feelings are the conscious experience of emotional reactions.

What are the 10 basic emotions?

Terms in this set (10)

  • Joy.
  • Excitement.
  • Surprise.
  • Sadness.
  • Anger.
  • Disgust.
  • Contempt.
  • Fear.

How do I identify my emotions?

Identifying Your Feelings

  1. Start by taking your emotional temperature.
  2. Identify your stressors.
  3. Notice if you start judging what you feel.
  4. Speak about your feelings, and let go of the fear.

What emotion is the strongest?

Beihang University researchers studied 70 million Weibo %22tweets%22 over a six-month period%2C sorting them into the emotional categories of anger%2C joy%2C sadness%2C and disgust.

How do you express your emotions?

8 Techniques for Expressing Emotions in Relationships….Expressing Your Emotions in a Healthy Way: 18 Tips

  1. Use positive self-talk.
  2. Be a good listener.
  3. Know your triggers.
  4. Try spirituality.
  5. Teach emotion words to young children.
  6. Practice empathy.
  7. Cut the distractions.
  8. Model emotional expression.