What words do you use a semicolon after?

What words do you use a semicolon after?

2. Use a semicolon between independent clauses linked with a transitional expression.

after all even so in fact
as a matter of fact for example in other words
as a result for instance in the first place
at any rate in addition on the contrary
at the same time in conclusion on the other hand

What is a semicolon used for?

Use a semicolon to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). Make sure when you use the semicolon that the connection between the two independent clauses is clear without the coordinating conjunction.

Should I use semicolons in a list?

Use a semicolon between items in a list or series if any of the items contain commas. Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction if the clauses are already punctuated with commas or if the clauses are lengthy.

Is a colon used for a list?

Rule 1: Use the colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list of items when introductory words such as namely, for example, or that is do not apply or are not appropriate. Examples: You may be required to bring many items: sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing.

How do you end a semicolon in a list?

If the items in the list are phrases or clauses with punctuation in them, put a semicolon at the end of each item. Put “and” (or, if logic dictates, “or”) after the next-to-last item in the list and a period after the last item. The items are not capitalized (except for proper nouns).

Do you use a semicolon before and in a list?

The general rule is to use the semicolons as you would use commas with ordinary list items: Sentences containing complex lists are complicated enough that you should always include the final semicolon to ensure that readers parse all of the list items properly without having to reread the sentence several times.

How do you use colons and semicolons?

Colons (:) are used in sentences to show that something is following, like a quotation, example, or list. Semicolons (;) are used to join two independent clauses, or two complete thoughts that could stand alone as complete sentences.

Can you use a colon and semicolon in the same sentence?

Colons and semicolons can be used in the same sentence, but they are each used for different purposes. In this example, the colon is used to introduce the cities.

How do you use a colon properly?


  1. To announce, introduce, or direct attention to a list, a noun or noun phrase, a quotation, or an example/explanation.
  2. To join sentences.
  3. To express time, in titles, and as part of other writing conventions.
  4. Using a colon between a verb and its object or complement.
  5. Using a colon between a preposition and its object.

When should I use a colon or semicolon?

Semicolons should introduce evidence or a reason for the preceding statement; for example, this sentence appropriately uses a semicolon. A colon, on the other hand, should be used for a stronger, more direct relationship. It should provide emphasis, an example, or an explanation.

When should you not use a colon?

Do not use a colon in a complete sentence after phrases such as “such as,” “including,” and “for example.” Because phrases like these already indicate to the reader that a list of examples will follow, there is no need to introduce them with a colon, which would merely be redundant.

How many spaces should you have after a colon?

two spaces

Do you need two spaces after a colon?

Just as with the period, it used to be common to put two spaces after a colon, but now most style guides that address the matter (e.g., The Chicago Manual of Style) recommend using only one space after a colon.

Do you need 2 spaces after a period?

Unless you are typing on an actual typewriter, you no longer have to put two spaces after a period. Or a question mark. Or an exclamation point. The rule applies to all end punctuation.

Is 2 spaces after a period correct?

Nearly all style guides agree that one space is correct. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) was the only style guide that overtly recommended two spaces after a period, and even that long-time holdout for two spaces changed its guideline to one space in its 2019 update.

How many spaces should be between sentences?

one space

How many spaces after a period with in an abbreviation?

Two spaces

Do you space after a comma?

Put a space after a comma. Do not put a space before a comma. In a sentence, the last two items usually do not need a comma between them as they are separated by “and”.

Is there a space after three dots?

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission. Each period should have a single space on either side, except when adjacent to a quotation mark, in which case there should be no space.