Whats does issue mean?

Whats does issue mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a(1) : a vital or unsettled matter economic issues. (2) : concern, problem I have issues with his behavior. b : a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties “…

What is an example of an issue?

The definition of an issue is something that is discussed, distributed or the offspring of someone. An example of issue is the subject of abortion. An example of issue is the latest edition of Family Circle. An example of issue is the children of someone named in a will.

What does it mean to issue a document?

​issue something to start a legal process against somebody, especially by means of an official document. to issue a writ against somebody. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

What does the noun issue mean?

noun. the act of sending or giving out something; supply; delivery. something issued; an edition of stamps, a magazine, etc. the number of identical items, such as banknotes or shares in a company, that become available at a particular time.

How do you use the word issue?

Issue sentence example

  1. Three days later the issue was settled.
  2. I’ll issue the orders.
  3. “Boss, we have a bigger issue ,” Landon’s voice was hushed.
  4. Her response to the issue about a son was indication that she was ready to break from the past.
  5. There was no point making an issue of it.

Is issued or was issued?

Both tenses are valid. So are: the past tense ‘was issued’ and the past perfect ‘had been issued’. All are correct.

Was issued to meaning?

to announce something, or to give something to people officially. The banks have issued a warning that charges are likely to rise sharply. issue something to someone: Summonses have been issued to people who have not paid their bills.

Was issued in a sentence?

Sentence examples for he was issued from inspiring English sources. He was issued a summons. He was issued a summons for disorderly conduct. He was issued a summons and was released.

Are being issued Meaning?

being issued meaning given out or perhaps sold. one context could be a company issuing tickets to a concert and the number of tickets remaining are 100.

What’s an issue date?

1. The date on which a company or government makes a new issue of securities to the public. For example, if a company makes its IPO on January 1, this is said to be the issue date for its IPO. It is also called the offering date.

What does provide mean?

: to give something wanted or needed to (someone or something) : to supply (someone or something) with something. formal : to say that something will or should happen : to make it certain or possible that something will happen or be done.

What does fragrance mean?

Fragrance is defined by the FDA as a combination of chemicals that gives each perfume or cologne (including those used in other products) its distinct scent. In addition to “scent” chemicals that create the fragrance, perfumes and colognes also contain solvents, stabilizers, UV-absorbers, preservatives, and dyes.

Why is fragrance toxic?

Fragrances commonly contain phthalates, which are chemicals that help the scents last longer. Health risks for phthalates are startling and include cancer, human reproductive and developmental toxicity, endocrine disruption, birth defects & respiratory problems.

Which perfume lasts the longest?

According to the concentration of fragrance, perfumes are of five types.

  • Eau de Toilette (EDT):
  • Eau de Cologne:
  • Eau Fraiche:
  • Name.
  • Composition.
  • Ingredients.
  • Duration. As perfume contains the highest concentration of essential oils, perfume lasts the longest.
  • Cost. Among all types of scent, perfume costs the highest.

Which is the best fragrance perfume?

Here are the top five best perfumes for women right now:

  • Jimmy Choo Signature.
  • Tom Ford Black Orchid.
  • Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud Cologne Intense.
  • Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium.
  • Chanel no.