When the doctor tells the waiting gentlewoman to take from Lady Macbeth the means of all annoyance it is because he fears that Lady Macbeth might?

When the doctor tells the waiting gentlewoman to take from Lady Macbeth the means of all annoyance it is because he fears that Lady Macbeth might?

Explanation: In Act 5, scene 1, the doctor who is examining Lady Macbeth tells the gentlewoman to remove from her “the means of all annoyance.” This is a reference to things that Lady Macbeth might hurt herself with.

Why does the gentlewoman in Act V Scene I refuse to repeat Lady Macbeth’s sleep talk to the doctor?

The Doctor insists that it would be right for her to tell him the details. However, the Gentlewoman says she will not tell anyone, “having no witness to confirm my speech.” She means that since she was the only one to hear what Lady Macbeth has said, she may not be believed or trusted.

Who was not born of woman and is able to kill Macbeth?


WHO declares the death of Macbeth?

What does Macbeth say before he died?

It is too late, he drags me down; I sink, I sink, — my soul is lost forever! — Oh!

What does Macbeth forget to do after he murders the sleeping Duncan?

Macbeth-Act II Review for Quest – Modern English

What does Macbeth forget to do? Leave the daggers with the guards
How does Macbeth deal with Duncan’s guards after Duncan is discovered murdered? He kills the guards.
Why do Malcolm & Donalbain flee? They are afraid they’ll be killed.

What does Macbeth see before he murders Duncan?

What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan? He sees a floating head urging him to spill blood. He sees a bloody axe lodged in Duncan’s brow. He sees a floating dagger pointing him to Duncan’s chamber.

What does Macbeth say in response to Banquo’s dream of the 3 witches?

What does Macbeth say in response to Banquo’s dream? Macbeth tells Banquo that if he sticks (“cleave”) with him, he will give him honor. Banquo responds, “So I lose none / In seeking to augment it.” What does Banquo mean?

What is Macbeth unable to say after murdering Duncan?

‘ / Stuck in my throat. ” Macbeth explains to Lady Macbeth that he cannot say, “Amen” along with the soldiers in prayer. Macbeth says he needs such a blessing most, but that he could not utter the word to receive one. By murdering Duncan, Macbeth has committed a mortal sin and is therefore separated from Holiness.

What does the audience learn from Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene?

The audience knows that Lady Macbeth’s condition is a result of her guily mind because she was the persuassion that made Macbeth murder King Duncan.