Where does light-independent reaction take place?

Where does light-independent reaction take place?


Where does the light-dependent reaction occur in the plants?

The light-dependent reactions use light energy to make two molecules needed for the next stage of photosynthesis: the energy storage molecule ATP and the reduced electron carrier NADPH. In plants, the light reactions take place in the thylakoid membranes of organelles called chloroplasts.

What occurs in the light dependent reaction?

In light-dependent reactions, the energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and converted into chemical energy in the form of electron carrier molecules like ATP and NADPH. Light energy is harnessed in Photosystems I and II, both of which are present in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts.

What raw materials are used in light independent reactions?


  • In photosynthesis, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH are reactants. GA3P and water are products.
  • In photosynthesis, chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide are reactants.
  • In photosynthesis, water, carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH are reactants.
  • In photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are reactants.

Where in the chloroplast does the photo part of photosynthesis occur quizlet?

These reactions occur in the Stroma of chloroplasts.

Where in the chloroplast does each stage occur?

In which part of the chloroplast does each stage occur? Light reactions happens in the thylakoid membrane, and the calvin cycle happens in the stroma.

In what part of the chloroplast do the light dependent reactions occur quizlet?

The light-dependent reactions take place on the thylakoid membranes (the light is absorbed by the chlorophyll that is embedded in these membranes). The light-independent reactions (also called the Calvin Cycle or the dark reactions) take place in the stroma.

What are three things are used to make glucose in photosynthesis?

Rather, plants use sunlight, water, and the gases in the air to make glucose, which is a form of sugar that plants need to survive. This process is called photosynthesis and is performed by all plants, algae, and even some microorganisms.

What is the process in which glucose is used to create energy quizlet?

Aerobic respiration results in the formation of 30 to 38 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose. – a chemical process in which carbohydrates are partially broken down without using oxygen. A small amount of energy is produced in this manner.

Is a process in which sunlight energy is used to make glucose?


What is the process in which glucose is used to create energy?

cellular respiration

What are the three stages of cellular respiration in correct order?

Cellular respiration occurs in three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport.

What are the three main events in the process of respiration?

Lesson Summary Aerobic (“oxygen-using”) respiration occurs in three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport.