Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a?

Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a?

Answer Expert Verified. The correct choice from given options is “C”, “Suzy Nakamura” is the example of a flat character from American Born Chinese. Definition: A flat character is the one which usually does not change and remains the same throughout a story.

Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a protagonist Brainly?


Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a foil?

Wei-Chen is just about the coolest character in the book. Yeah he can’t dress or style his hair and sure his English is broken, but he’s the kind of supportive friend you want in your corner, especially when things go bad.

Who is the foil for the Monkey King?


What foil means?

(Entry 1 of 5) transitive verb. 1a : to prevent from attaining an end : defeat always able to foil her enemies Her accident foiled her from becoming a dancer. b : to bring to naught : thwart foiled the plot Police foiled an attempted robbery.

Who is Wei Chen revealed to be?

Answer Expert Verified In the last chapter of American Born Chinese, Wei-Chen is revealed to be The Monkey King’s son. The answer is letter A. This is because he was heartbroken about Jin being in love with another guy not him and this guy, which has the same blood as he is in love with Jin too.

What is different about Wei Chen at the end?

Wei Chen became a monkey again at the end of the story American Born Chinese. In this way the monkey king got rid of the pile of rocks. Jin Wang started going to school after losing touch with his old friends so that he can find new ones. Gene Luen Yang has written this novel.

What is Jin Wang’s response to finding Wei Chen and Amelia locked in the biology lab closet?

Answer: He asks Amelia out.

Who does Chin-Kee turn into at the end and why does he change his identity?

The three stories converge when it is revealed in the end that the Monkey King has transformed into Chin-Kee who is Danny’s cousin and Jin Wang has transformed into the white American teen Danny who detests the existence of his cousin Chin-Kee very much.

What makes Tze Yo TZUH the antagonist?

What makes Tze-Yo-Tzuh the antagonist in the Monkey King plotline of American Born Chinese? A. He proves that he is stronger than the Monkey King.

What is the main goal of a story’s antagonist?

The main goal of the antagonist in a story is to create obstacles for the protagonist sometimes even without apparent reason and justification for an evil attitude towards the hero.

What is the main goal of a story’s protagonist?

In film today, the protagonist is the character who drives the plot, pursues the main goal of the story, and usually changes or grows over the course of the film. A protagonist enters the film with a goal and by the end of the film, they either achieved that goal or did not.

Which event is an example of external conflict?

struggle between a literary or dramatic character and an outside force such as nature or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot: external conflict between Macbeth and Macduff. struggle between a person and an outside force: external conflict between parents and children.

Which type of character is most associated with internal conflict?

Answer. Static is the word used for INTERNAL CONFLICT.

What are the 5 styles of conflict resolution?

The Five Styles of Conflict Resolution

  • Avoiding the Conflict. Avoiding or withdrawing from a conflict requires no courage or consideration for the other party.
  • Giving In. Giving in or accommodating the other party requires a lot of cooperation and little courage.
  • Standing your Ground.
  • Compromising.
  • Collaborating.

What are the five styles of conflict management?

The 5 conflict management styles

  • Accommodating. This style is about simply putting the other parties needs before one’s own.
  • Avoiding. This style aims to reduce conflict by ignoring it, removing the conflicted parties, or evading it in some manner.
  • Compromising.
  • Competing.
  • Collaboration.

Which character from American Born Chinese is the best example of a round?

The Monkey King

Why did Gene Luen Yang write American Born Chinese?

gene luen yang’s blog. Yang provides much of his reason for writing American Born Chinese through his website’s blog. Yang recalls the way in which he discovered one of his childhood drawings, Cousin Chin-Kee, and how he developed the character to be the crazy character he is.

What does Chin Kee mean?

Chin-Kee (Symbol) As Jin’s desire to be accepted as an American grows, he develops the Danny fantasy persona, only to be visited yearly by Chin-Kee, the epitome of embarrassing and harmful tropes about Chinese people. In this way, Chin-Kee is an embodiment of how Jin has internalized anti-Chinese racism.

Which character from American Born Chinese is a foil?

Gene Luen Yang in American Born Chinese uses Chin-Kee as a foil to Danny; while John Okada in No-No Boy uses Kenji as a foil to Ichiro.

Which character from American Born Chinese is the best example of a round character apex?

How does Chin Kee embarrass Danny in American Born Chinese?

Answer. In American Born Chinese, Chin-Kee eats cat gizzards at lunch to embarrass Danny at school.

What is different about Wei Chen character at the end of the book?

Wei Chen became a monkey again at the end of the story American Born Chinese. In this way the monkey king got rid of the pile of rocks. Jin Wang started going to school after losing touch with his old friends so that he can find new ones.

Why is tze yo TZUH the antagonist?

What is the main idea of American Born Chinese?

Lesson Summary American Born Chinese, by Gene Yeng, is a graphic novel that grapples with themes, or main ideas, of friendship, identity, and personal transformation by weaving together three stories.

What does Chin-Kee mean?

What does the transformer symbolize in American Born Chinese?

Transformers Symbol Analysis. Broadly speaking, Transformer toys symbolize identity, and particularly how fluid one’s identity can be. For Wei-Chen, the Transformer is a symbol of his true nature, while for Jin, the Transformer speaks to his desire to be anyone but who he really is.

Which situation is an example of external conflict?

A major external conflict is between the old man, Santiago, and the fish, a marlin. There is fighting back and forth, and a tug of war between them, that lasts for several days, with neither giving up. Santiago’s struggle is also against nature – to catch a giant fish, and the sharks – which attack his precious marlin.