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Which characteristic best describes a memoir A It is a form of poetry B it is fictional prose C it is creative non-fiction D it is not considered literature?

Which characteristic best describes a memoir A It is a form of poetry B it is fictional prose C it is creative non-fiction D it is not considered literature?

Answer: It is creative non-fiction. Explanation: A memoir is a narrative piece that depicts the specific moments in a person’s life that affected or changed their idiosyncrasies, personal growth, or that caused a richer understanding of any situation.

What are the features of a prose?


  • Follows natural patterns of speech and communication.
  • Has a grammatical structure with sentences and paragraphs.
  • Uses everyday language.
  • Sentences and thoughts continue across lines.

How can I be good at prose?

9 ways to perfect your prose style:

  1. Avoid clichés.
  2. Be accurate.
  3. Keep it short.
  4. Write clearly without repetition.
  5. Cull your adjectives.
  6. Mix your rhythms.
  7. Ditch the modifiers, let the verbs do the work.
  8. Use unexpected words to shock readers into understanding.

How do you write a contention?

Points to remember:

  1. do not explicitly say “I agree” or “I disagree”
  2. rather demonstrate how you feel (and thus how you are going to write) by using the text to highlight your opinion of the prompt.
  3. use your contention as “umbrella” from which your body paragraph ideas fall under.

How do you start a written response?

Writing a Response or Reaction Paper

  1. Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.
  2. Write an informative summary of the material.
  3. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.
  4. Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.

What is a racer paragraph?

“RACERS” – this stands for reword, answer, cite, explain, revise and summary.

How do you write a racer paragraph?

RACE is an acronym that helps students remember which steps and in which order to write a constructed response.

  1. R = Restate the Question. The first step is to change the question into a statement.
  2. A = Answer the Question.
  3. C = Cite Text Evidence.
  4. E = Explain What it Means.

What does the E in Racer mean?

Explain the text evidence

What does racer mean?

one that races or is used

What does SCR stand for?

silicon controlled rectifier