Which event is most likely to occur in a tragedy apex?

Which event is most likely to occur in a tragedy apex?

Explanation: The event that is most likely to occur in a tragedy is that characters suffer due to personal flaws.

How does Caliban show that he is more intelligent than Stephano and Trinculo apex?

How does Caliban show that he is more intelligent than Stephano and Trinculo? He is not distracted by the fancy clothing. He realizes that freedom from Prospero is more important than clothing or wine. He speaks against Caliban but makes it seem as if Trinculo said the words.

What is the most likely reason that the audience might sympathize with Prospero?

The most likely reason that the audience might sympathize with Prospero is that he was dethroned as Duke of Milan by his own brother.

What does it mean to usurp a leadership position?

to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne. to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine usurped copyrighted material.

Which of the following characters from The Tempest would most likely be described as power hungry?


What do Prospero Alonso and Caliban have in common?

What do Prospero, Alonso, and Caliban have in common? They all have magical powers while on the island. They all have royal blood in their veins. They all have had their authority threatened or fully overturned.

Why is Caliban afraid of the sun?

Weaknesses. Direct Sunlight – Due to his albinism, Caliban’s skin becomes burned and scarred when it comes into contact with direct sunlight. The Reavers used this weakness to torture Caliban into helping them.

Is x23 Wolverine’s daughter?

It is revealed later that she is not a clone but biological daughter of Wolverine. Like her father, Laura has a regenerative healing factor and enhanced senses, speed, and reflexes. She also has retractable adamantium-coated bone claws in her hands and feet.

What happened to Caliban in Logan?

After blowing himself up in an attempt to kill Donald Pierce, Caliban is found laying on the ground dying from his injuries. Laura and Logan can be seen rushing past the mutant with Professor Xavier’s body in tow, and the somber moment gives a quiet send-off to Caliban.