Which explains why Mora uses two modes of communication?

Which explains why Mora uses two modes of communication?

Which explains why Mora uses two modes of communication? The reason she writes the speech is to encourage thoughtful reflection, while the reason for her essay is to encourage a larger audience to do the same.

What is the author’s purpose parkour?

It is a gathering place for summer concerts and community sporting events. City Park makes our town unique and special. What is the author’s purpose? Parkour, also known as free running, is becoming a popular sport. The object of parkour is to navigate obstacles using fluid, efficient movement.

How are the two passages different the essay is written only for teachers?

How are the two passages different? The essay is written only for teachers, but the article is written for high-school students. The essay reveals Pat Mora’s perspective, while the article has a less personal tone. The essay uses general examples, while the article reveals a personal perspective.

How do you effectively compare and contrast two texts written in different genres a reader must?

To effectively compare and contrast two texts written in different genres, a reader must look for the same words used in both texts. find the text that most supports personal views. understand what is gained by treating a topic two different ways. identify which text uses the most scientific and scholarly language.

How do you teach students to compare and contrast?

Here are a few activities I like to use to help students master comparing and contrasting in reading:

  1. Venn Diagram.
  2. Class Graphs.
  3. Compare and Contrast Cards.
  4. Use a Table.
  5. Using Task Cards and Games.
  6. Scaffold Learning by Using Passages, Short Stories, and Then Books.

What is comparison and contrast text?

Compare and Contrast is a text structure or pattern of organization where the similarities and differences of two or more things are explored.

Which words help you compare two things?

like, similar to, also, unlike, similarly, in the same way, likewise, again, compared to, in contrast, in like manner, contrasted with, on the contrary, however, although, yet, even though, still, but, nevertheless, conversely, at the same time, regardless, despite, while, on the one hand … on the other hand.

What is a synonym for compare and contrast?

Synonyms. comparison equivalence likeness comparability similitude alikeness.

Does compare mean similarities and differences?

The definition of compare means to find the similarities or differences between two or more people or things. An example of compare is noticing how much two sisters look alike.

Is since a contrast word?

Although/though can be used to contrast ideas. Although/though are subordinating conjunctions used to connect a subordinate clause to a main clause, like after, as, before, if, since, that, even though, even if. The although/though clause can come first.5 dagen geleden

Does contrast mean difference?

The verb contrast means to show a difference, like photos that reveal how much weight someone lost by contrasting the “before” and “after” shots. You probably know contrast in its relation to compare.

What is the opposite of in contrast?

Opposite of looking at something from a contrasting perspective. likewise. similarly. equally. also.

What does juxtapose mean?

transitive verb. : to place (different things) side by side (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect) juxtapose unexpected combinations of colors, shapes and ideas— J. F. T. Bugental.

How do you describe contrast?

1a : juxtaposition of dissimilar elements (such as color, tone, or emotion) in a work of art. b : degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture. 2a : the difference or degree of difference between things having similar or comparable natures the contrast between the two forms of government.

What are some examples of contrast?

Contrast often means “opposite”: for example, black is the opposite of white, and so there’s a contrast between black ink and white paper. But contrast can also happen when the two things are just very different. For example, cats and dogs are definitely a contrast, but they’re not opposites.

What are contrasting words?

Words related to contrast comparison, diversity, disagreement, divergence, variation, disparity, contradiction, opposition, distinction, contradict, vary, diverge, unlikeness, inverse, reverse, contradistinction, antithesis, converse, incompatibility, foil.

What is another word for in contrast?

What is another word for in contrast?

on the other hand contrastingly
instead rather
by contrast on the contrary
in reverse or rather
reversing it inversely

What are the contrasting ideas?

Contrast is a rhetorical device through which writers identify differences between two subjects, places, persons, things, or ideas. Simply, it is a type of opposition between two objects, highlighted to emphasize their differences. Contrast comes from the Latin word, contra stare, meaning to stand against.

How do you use the word juxtapose?

Juxtapose sentence example

  1. By looking at my old diary, I can juxtapose my past with my current life.
  2. It is easy to juxtapose things that are complete opposites.
  3. It is interesting to juxtapose the lifestyle of today’s teenage generation with their grandparents’ generation.

What is another word for juxtapose?

Some common synonyms of juxtaposed are adjacent, adjoining, and contiguous. While all these words mean “being in close proximity,” juxtaposed means placed side by side especially so as to permit comparison and contrast.

Can a person be juxtaposed?

2 Answers. Actually, juxtaposition means: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. A strong-willed person is not likely to be forced to dress up like a chicken – hence the contrast.

Is juxtaposition a form of irony?

Juxtaposition in Everyday Life And that’s the core of juxtaposition. It happens when two or more people, things, or situations are placed side by side in a comparison that emphasizes style, irony, humor or sadness. It can be intentional or unintentional.

What is a compare and contrast text?

Compare and Contrast is a text structure or pattern of organization where the similarities and differences of two or more things are explored. The text must do both to be considered compare and contrast. Example: Apples and oranges are both fruits, which means that they have seeds inside of them.

Why do we compare in politics?

Comparative politics is central to the development of political theory. Therefore, comparing what happens when different countries, for their own reasons, modify constitutions, or party systems, or whatever, provides useful information about the probable consequences of different political orders.