Which family is harmonica?

Which family is harmonica?

As a free-reed instrument, the harmonica belongs to the same family of musical instruments as reed organs, accordions, and melodicas. Unlike its other family members that have keyboards, the mouth organ uses the player’s lips and tongue to select one or more slots (or holes).

Is harmonica a woodwind or brass?


Woodwind instrument
Other names French harp mouth organ blues harp
Classification Wind aerophone
Hornbostel–Sachs classification 412.132 (Free reed aerophone)
Developed Early 19th century

Who invented the harmonica?

Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann
harmonica, either of two musical instruments, the friction-sounded glass harmonica or a mouth organ, a free-reed wind instrument whose invention is often attributed to Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann (maker of the Mundäoline, Berlin, c. 1821).

What classification of instrument is a harmonica?

Wind instrument
Free reed aerophoneAerophone
Harmonica/Instrument family

Is the harmonica a woodwind family?

Brass instruments (or horns) such as the trumpet, tuba and trombone and woodwind instruments. The woodwind group includes flutes, piccolos and whistles. The harmonica is also a reed instrument, but it is part of an even smaller group.

Are all harmonicas the same?

Though there are a number of specialty harmonicas, the three most common varieties fall into one of three categories based on how they are tuned: diatonic, chromatic, and tremolo. We’ll focus mainly on these while touching on a few of the less common harmonica types.

Is a harmonica considered brass?

Brass instruments (or horns) such as the trumpet, tuba and trombone and woodwind instruments. The harmonica is also a reed instrument, but it is part of an even smaller group.

What family is the zither in?

psaltery family
Zither (/ˈzɪðər, ˈzɪθ-/; German: [ˈtsɪtɐ], from the Greek word cithara) is a class of stringed instruments. Historically, the name has been applied to any instrument of the psaltery family, or to an instrument consisting of many strings stretched across a thin, flat body. This article describes the latter variety.

Are harmonicas brass?