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Which inference about Nora does this passage support?

Which inference about Nora does this passage support?

She is overwhelmed by the responsibilities she has during the holidays. She is glad that she finally has money to spend on gifts for the holidays.

Which statement best explains why settlers chose Oregon country over the Great Plains?

Which statement best explains why settlers chose Oregon Country over the Great Plains? The Great Plains was too dry for farming, but most of Oregon Country had mild temperatures and plentiful rainfall. The plateau region of Oregon Country was better for farming than to the Great Plains.

Which statement explains why the tariff passed in 1828 was called the Tariff of Abominations?

It was called “Tariff of Abominations” by its Southern detractors because of the effects it had on the Southern economy. It set a 38% tax on some imported goods and a 45% tax on certain imported raw materials.

What was a major difference in the settlement of Utah and the settlement of California quizlet?

What was a major difference in the settlement of Utah and the settlement of California? The mass migration of forty-niners transformed San Francisco into an economic hub practically overnight. What was a major impact of the Gold Rush on the city of San Francisco? You just studied 19 terms!

Why did the Whigs most likely choose a former war hero to run as the party’s presidential candidate?

Why did the Whigs most likely choose a former war hero to run as the party’s presidential candidate? They wanted an aristocratic candidate to contrast against the “man of the people” Martin Van Buren. They needed to secure the crucial votes of current and former members of the military.

Who stood to gain from the tariff of abominations and who expected to lose by it?

It seemed that Adams was rewarding Clay – perhaps even fulfilling the terms of a secret bargain. Who stood to gain from the Tariff of Abominations and who expected to lose by it? Northern manufacturers were expected to gain from the tariff because it made competing goods from abroad more expensive than those they made.

Which states voted to nullify make void the tariff?

In response to its disagreement with the tariff bill of 1832, the South Carolina legislature actually voted to nullify the law within its borders.