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Which is correct less than or fewer than?

Which is correct less than or fewer than?

Generally, fewer is used when the number of things is counted (“fewer problems”) whereas less is used when the number is measured (“less trouble” or “less time”). The fact is that less is also sometimes used to refer to number among things that are counted.

How can you use fewer in a sentence?

Examples for fewer / less

  1. I missed less work this year than last.
  2. John has fewer fishing lures than Jack does.
  3. Cherie drinks less wine than she used to.
  4. Fewer than five children live in this apartment building.
  5. We wear less clothing in hot weather.
  6. She gets in fewer workouts than he does.

Is it one less or one fewer?

If the countable noun is plural, choose fewer; if it’s singular, choose less. When it says to reserve less for mass nouns, it means singular mass nouns.) One is always singular: there is one less food group in the new pyramid; there is one less number in this column.

Is 10 items or less grammatically incorrect?

“10 items or less” is not correct! If you walk into any grocery store in the United States, and you will see a sign that says “10 items or less” for the fast checkout lanes. This is wrong – it should be “10 items or fewer” because “items” is a countable noun.

When should WHO be used instead of that?

‘That’ is less formal than ‘which’ or ‘who’ and can refer to both people and things. Which, on the other hand, can only refer to things and ‘who’ can only refer to people. Note that ‘that’ can only be used in identifying or restrictive relative clauses.

Can a company be referred to as her?

A company is it, not “he” or “she”. If you are talking about a specific person, such as the director of the company, then you would use the appropriate pronoun, depending upon whether the person is a man or a woman.

Is a company a singular or plural?

Traditionally, companies are singular (they are, after all, a single entity separate from their members, employees, or directors), and take the pronoun ‘it’. However, modern usage tends to include treating the name as a collective noun instead, and using the pronoun ‘they’.