Which is the most clear and precise sentence asking for an update on the haggarty account?

Which is the most clear and precise sentence asking for an update on the haggarty account?

Points: 1 / 1 Which is the most clear and precise sentence asking for an update on the Haggarty account? Please update the Haggarty account after you’ve completed the daily tally. The Haggarty account requires an update following completion of the daily tally.

Which is the most clear and precise sentence asking for an update on the Jones account?

Which is the most clear and precise sentence asking for an update on the Jones account? The Jones account requires an update following completion of the daily tally. Please update the Jones account after you’ve completed the daily tally.

Which is the most clear and precise sentence explaining where performance evaluations should be sent?

the sentence that is most clear and precise is “Please send copies of performance evaluations to Darla Hamadi, Human Resources Director, for review before filing.”

What are the supporting sentences in paragraph C?

Supporting sentences SUPPORT the main idea of the paragraph. These sentences follow a topic sentence in a paragraph. Supporting sentences contain details that help describe or explain the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting sentences should fit the context and flow of a paragraph.

Why is it important to identify the purpose of your message before you start writing?

Why is it important to identify the purpose of your message before you start writing? Check all that apply. In order to craft effective business messages, beginning writers should follow the writing process closely. The first step in this process is analyzing the purpose of the message and audience.

What is the first step in making sure your message is effective?

The first step to getting your message heard is to summarize the major points of the communication. People don’t generally ask for clarification when they are communicating. So, it it your job, to follow up directly after the communication happens. Simply asking: “Do you understand?” is not enough.

What are the elements and qualities of a good paragraph?

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.