Which of the following characters from The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a frog?

Which of the following characters from The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a frog?

Dan’l Webster is the frog that Smiley educates to jump higher, faster, and farther than any…

What is the frame tale in The Notorious Jumping Frog?

In a frame tale, one story appears in—that is, it is framed by—another story. In “Jumping Frog” the outer tale focuses on Mark Twain and his meeting with the talkative old storyteller, Simon Wheeler. This meeting occurs at the request of a friend of Twain’s, identified in some versions of the tale as A.

How did the stranger beat Jim Smiley in the bet?

How did the stranger beat Jim Smiley in the bet? Jim tried to double his money by betting that his frog would still win even with a spoonful of quail shot in his belly. He drugged Jim’s frog so that he fell asleep when the competition started.

How does Smiley’s mare win races?

What did the boys call smiley’s mare? How did she win races? She was sick and therefore got a head start. She was slow but towards the end got very excited and ran fast and won.

What is the climax of the stranger walks in and accepts the bet Dan L Webster is not able to jump and loses the stranger’s frog?

Answer: The stranger walks in and accepts the bet. Explanation: The above answer is the climax of the story because of the fact that, nobody has ever expected the stranger to accept the bet.

Why does Dan L Webster lose the contest?

The stranger does not have a frog, so Smiley goes off to the swamp to procure another and, while he is gone, the stranger feeds Dan’l Webster some “quail shot” to make him heavier and, therefore, unable to jump high. The stranger’s ploy works: Dan’l Webster cannot jump at all and Smiley loses the bet.

What is the theme of the story The Celebrated Jumping Frog?

The main themes of the short story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain are trickery and competition.