Which of the following is an example of inductive reasoning April is a rainy month?

Which of the following is an example of inductive reasoning April is a rainy month?

April is a rainy month so it will probably rain a lot in April,It has rained everyday this week so it will likely rain tomorrow,it rained on the first of the month so it will rain every day this month, the weather forecast is for rain so it will rain.

Which of the following is example of inductive reasoning?

An example of inductive logic is, “The coin I pulled from the bag is a penny. That coin is a penny. A third coin from the bag is a penny. Therefore, all the coins in the bag are pennies.”

Which of the following is an example of inductive reasoning apex?

The correct example of inductive reasoning is it has snowed every day this week, so it will likely snow tomorrow. Furthermore, inductive reasoning is about a wide generalization from specific observations.

What are the examples of deductive reasoning?

Examples of deductive logic:

  • All men are mortal. Joe is a man. Therefore Joe is mortal.
  • Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor.
  • To get a Bachelor’s degree at Utah Sate University, a student must have 120 credits. Sally has more than 130 credits.

What is inductive and deductive learning?

Inductive learning, also known as discovery learning, is a process where the learner discovers rules by observing examples. This is different from deductive learning, where students are given rules that they then need to apply.

What are the two types of inductive arguments?

There are a few key types of inductive reasoning.

  • Generalized. This is the simple example given above, with the white swans.
  • Statistical. This form uses statistics based on a large and random sample set, and its quantifiable nature makes the conclusions stronger.
  • Bayesian.
  • Analogical.
  • Predictive.
  • Causal inference.

What is flawed reasoning?

Flaw: A reasoning error or defect; a feature of an argument’s reasoning that keeps the argument from delivering the degree of support that it claims to deliver for its conclusion.

What are some examples of logic?

Types of Logic With Examples

  • Premises: Nikki saw a black cat on her way to work. At work, Nikki got fired. Conclusion: Black cats are bad luck.
  • Premises: There is no evidence that penicillin is bad for you. I use penicillin without any problems.
  • Premises: My mom is a celebrity. I live with my mom.