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Which of these best describes a climax community?

Which of these best describes a climax community?

The correct answer is B. A stable community. The community which gets established at the site is called climax community. Thus, a climax community is the final stage of biotic succession which remains stable and exist in balance with each other and their environment until it destroyed fire or human interference.

What describes a climax community?

In scientific ecology, climax community or climatic climax community is a historic term for a boreal forest community of plants, animals, and fungi which, through the process of ecological succession in the development of vegetation in an area over time, have reached a steady state.

What is a climax community apex?

Explanation: A climax community is a term used to express a community in its final stage of succession. Species composition is stable, and the community has reached equilibrium. This often takes thousands and possibly millions of years.

What is primary succession in biology?

Primary succession is ecological succession that begins in essentially lifeless areas, such as regions in which there is no soil or where the soil is incapable of sustaining life (because of recent lava flows, newly formed sand dunes, or rocks left from a retreating glacier).

What are the 5 stages of primary succession?

The labels I-VII represent the different stages of primary succession. I-bare rocks, II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi), III-annual herbaceous plants, IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses, V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.

What are the stages of primary and secondary succession?


  • In primary succession, newly exposed or newly formed rock is colonized by living things for the first time.
  • In secondary succession, an area that was previously occupied by living things is disturbed, then re-colonized following the disturbance.

Why might a climax community not really show the end of succession?

Climax Communities The climax community is a stable balance of all organisms in an ecosystem, and will remain stable unless a disaster strikes. After the disaster, succession will start all over again. Depending on the climate of the area, the climax community will look different.

What is the relationship between succession and climax vegetation?

Succession is the progressive replacement of earlier biological communities with others over time. It entails a process of ecological change, whereby new biotic communities replace old ones, culminating in a stable ecological system known as a climax community.

Why do climax communities have high diversity?

Gradually larger and larger plants occupy the ecosystem along with a diversity of animals. Finally a climax community is reached and the species present do not change unless the environment changes in some way. Larger plants with deeper roots appear.

Why does secondary succession occur faster than primary?

Secondary succession is a faster process than primary succession because some cones or seeds likely remain after the disturbance.

How long might it take for an ecosystem to reach a climax community?

Approximately 150 years

What is the most important function of pioneer species in primary succession?

The Importance of Pioneer Species Because pioneer species are the first to return after a disturbance, they are the first stage of succession, and their presence increases the diversity in a region. They are usually a hardy plant, algae or moss that can withstand a hostile environment.

When a disturbance changes a community without removing the soil what follows?

Secondary succession may follow a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil. 1.

What are two factors that contribute to the development of a climax community?

In addition nonclimatic factors, such as soil limitation, can influence the rate of development. It is clear that stable climax communities in most areas can coexist with human pressures on the ecosystem, such as deforestation, grazing, and urbanization.

Is the original climax community in an ecosystem more likely to be restored?

Why or why not? No original climax communities are not always restored. Succession does not always follow the same path. Some climax communities are disturbed so often that they cannot return to their original state due to natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, wildfires, mudslides, hurricanes etc.

Do ecosystems always recover after major human caused disturbances?

Ecosystems change over time, especially after disturbances, as some species die out and new species move in. Secondary succession in healthy ecosystems following natural disturbances often reproduces the original community, however ecosystems may not recover from human-caused disturbances.