Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive?

Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive?

Icarus’s fate was sealed when he approached the sun a sentence contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive. Icarus’s fate was sealed when he approached the sun a sentence contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is the most common way to form the plural of a noun?

add -s

Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive Brainly?

“Icarus’s fate was sealed when he approached the sun” is the one among the following sentences that contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive.

Which one of the following is a correct example of the plural possessive?

Men’s plans is a correct example of the plural possessive case.

What is another word for been?

What is another word for been?

dwelled dwelt
stood continued
held holden
lasted endured
persisted prevailed

How do you use befall?

Befall sentence example

  1. All real good or evil that can befall him must be from himself..
  2. If any mishap befall the queen, the workers can sometimes keep the community from dying out.
  3. Then he summoned all the “sons” to gather round his bed, and told them “what shall befall in the latter days” (xlix.).

What is the meaning of betide?

: to happen especially as if by fate. transitive verb. : to happen to : befall —used chiefly in the phrase woe betide woe betide our enemies.

What does woe betide you mean?

When something betides you, it happens to you. Betide is a literary way of saying “happen,” like in this quote from Jane Austin’s Persuasion, “Woe betide him, and her too, when it comes to things of consequence….” This is an old-fashioned word for things happening, especially uncertain or negative things.

What does Succour mean?


What is the meaning of betoken?

transitive verb. 1 : to typify beforehand : presage. 2 : to give evidence of : show.

What does exuberant mean in English?

very lively, happy, or energetic

What does befogged mean?

adjective. Incapable of clear thought; confused. ‘a thought swam through my befogged mind’