Which pronoun can be either singular or plural?

Which pronoun can be either singular or plural?

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Indefinite Pronouns
Singular Singular or Plural
another each either much neither one other anybody, anyone, anything everybody, everyone, everything nobody, no one, nothing somebody, someone, something all any more most none some

Who can be either singular or plural depending on its antecedent?

It is true the ‘Who’ can be either singular or plural depending on its antecedent. Antecedents are word or phrase that is presented by another word, usually a pronoun.

Which pronoun is used for both singular and plural nouns?

The personal pronoun you is the second-person personal pronoun, both singular and plural, and both nominative and oblique case in Modern English.

Which personal pronouns can be singular and plural?

I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and them are all personal pronouns….Subject and Object Pronouns.

Person Nominative Objective
Second singular you you
Third singular he, she, it him, her, it
First plural we us
Second plural you you

What are the singular pronouns?

Examples of Singular Pronouns

  • subject pronouns – I, you, he, she, it, they (when used as a gender-inclusive pronoun)
  • object pronouns – me, you, him, her, it, them.
  • possessive pronouns – my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, theirs.
  • interrogative pronouns – who, whom, whose, what, which.

What is singular and examples?

The word “singular” denotes a quantity of one. ” Singular” contrasts with plural, which denotes more than one. For example: One shark / three sharks. (The word “shark” is singular, but “sharks” is plural.)

Can you use their as a singular pronoun?

Singular they is the use in English of the pronoun they or its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves (or themself), as an epicene (gender-neutral) singular pronoun. “The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay.”

What is plural of her?

Answer. The plural form of her is hers. Find more words!

What is the plural of my?

Answer. The plural form of my is our. Find more words!

What is the plural of we?

For example, words like they and we are plural, personal, definite pronouns, and words like many and both are plural, indefinite pronouns. TIP! So, if you’re replacing a singular noun, be sure to use a singular pronoun.

What is the plural of eye?

1 eye /ˈaɪ/ noun. plural eyes. 1 eye. /ˈaɪ/ plural eyes.

What kind of word is eyes?

Eyes can be a noun or a verb – Word Type.

What is the plural for butterfly?

1 butterfly /ˈbʌtɚˌflaɪ/ noun. plural butterflies.

What words have no plural?

The words “moose,” “sheep” and “shrimp” do not have a plural form, but they can be used in singular or plural form as they are. For example: – The moose is/are migrating.

What is it called when a word is both singular and plural?

The NOAD reports invariable as meaning having the same form in both the singular and the plural, e.g., sheep. – kiamlaluno Feb 14 ’11 at 1:16. 1. The term “invariable” may be used in the general sense of not varying, but I think it’s specifically used for number as @kiamlaluno says.

What is the plural of Fox?

1 fox /ˈfɑːks/ noun. plural foxes. 1 fox. /ˈfɑːks/ plural foxes.

What is the plural of mouthful?

mouthful /ˈmaʊθˌfʊl/ noun. plural mouthfuls.

What is the plural of church?

church /ˈtʃɚtʃ/ noun. plural churches.

What is the plural of hero?

noun (1) Save Word. he·​ro | \ ˈhir-(ˌ)ō \ plural heroes.

What is the plural of dress?

dress. Plural. dresses. The plural form of dress; more than one (kind of) dress.

What is the plural of chair?

1 chair /ˈtʃeɚ/ noun. plural chairs. 1 chair. /ˈtʃeɚ/ plural chairs.

What is the plural form of wife?

Therefore, Option a, wives is the correct plural form of the noun ‘wife’.

What is the plural of donkey?

Donkeys is the only way to make the noun donkey plural. Confusion arises because some people mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in “y” should form a plural ending in “ies”. When a noun ends with [vowel] + y, you only need to add an “s” to form the plural.

What is the difference between singular and plural pronouns?

Singular pronouns are simply pronouns that refer to singular nouns. So words like he and she are singular, personal, definite pronouns, and words like anybody and anyone are singular, indefinite pronouns. Plural pronouns are simply pronouns that refer to plural nouns.

What is the plural for life?


What is the plural of horse?

1 horse /ˈhoɚs/ noun. plural horses. 1 horse. /ˈhoɚs/ plural horses.

What is plural of rabbit?

noun, often attributive. Save Word. rab·​bit | \ ˈra-bət \ plural rabbit or rabbits.

But, like singular pronouns, plural pronouns can also be personal and definite or indefinite, and they refer to plural nouns or groups of nouns. For example, words like they and we are plural, personal, definite pronouns, and words like many and both are plural, indefinite pronouns.

What is one word that can be singular or plural depending on the sentence?

Indefinite pronouns, like collective nouns, can be singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence.

Which two pronouns are plural pronouns?

Answer: The two pronouns which are plural pronouns are the following ones: us and our.

What are three plural pronouns?

Some common plural pronouns are them, they, their, and us.

What are all the plural pronouns?

The plural personal pronouns are “we,” “you,” and “they.” They contrast with the singular personal pronouns, which are “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” and “it.” (NB: The personal pronoun “you” can be both singular or plural.

How do you describe a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.

What is the meaning of noun and pronoun?

Nouns are words that refer to specific things or people: for example, phones, umbrellas, or Nicki Minaj. Pronouns, on the other hand, stand in for a previous noun: the same word can refer to several different things. They include words like those, them, and he.

Is Dragon a common noun?

As detailed above, ‘dragons’ is a noun. Hopefully there’s enough info above to help you understand the part of speech of dragons, and guess at its most common usage.

Is water an uncountable noun?

In general, water is used as an uncountable noun, which means that it does not change to a plural form. Now, peas and stones are countable nouns, so they can take both singular and plural forms, but as water is an uncountable noun it doesn’t alter, so we have one glass of water or two glasses of water.

Is AXE a common noun?

axe used as a noun: consisting of a heavy head flattened to a blade on one side, and a handle attached to it. Derived from “have an axe to grind”, which is also used.