Which sentence contains a proper adjective Weegy?

Which sentence contains a proper adjective Weegy?

A proper adjective is one formed from a proper noun. Ed prefers Boston cream pie. -contains a proper adjective (Boston). This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

What is the proper adjective for Canada?

Proper Adjectives for Nationalities

Country Proper Adjective
Burundi Burundian
Cambodia Cambodian
Cameroon Cameroonian
Canada Canadian

Can you end a sentence in an adjective?

Adjectives are always the same! Never add a final –s to an adjective. Adjectives can also be placed at the end of a sentence if they describe the subject of a sentence.

Where does an adverb go in a sentence?

Adverb placement is usually at the end of a sentence or phrase. While it’s true that adverb placement can happen in the initial or mid-position, it’s also true that adverbs generally are placed at the end of a sentence or phrase.

What is it called when the verb comes before the noun?

An inverted sentence is a sentence in a normally subject-first language in which the predicate (verb) comes before the subject (noun).

Is glad the same as happy?

There’s a very slight difference between the two words, but as was said in that sentence they’re pretty much the same. Glad is like “pleased”. – Something has happened, which has made me happy. Happy is the emotion itself.

What can I say instead of I’m glad?

other words for glad

  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • joyful.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.
  • willing.
  • cheering.
  • pleasing.

What is another name for Glad?

What is another word for glad?

happy pleased
gleeful overjoyed
satisfied joyful
elated thrilled
blissful cheerful

What does I’m so glad mean?

happy and pleased

What is the example of proper adjective?

Proper Adjectives from Place Names (countries, continents, regions, cities)

(place name) proper noun proper adjective example sentence
Barcelona Barcelonian This is one of many Barcelonian traditions.
Brazil Brazilian I have a Brazilian boss.
Britain British My teacher is British.
China Chinese Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant.

What is the proper adjective for Cuba?

Countries, Adjective Forms & Nationalities: Countries, Adjective Forms, and Nationalities (#3)

country adjective nationality
Croatia Croatian Croat
Cuba Cuban Cuban
Cyprus Cypriot Cypriot
Czech* Republic Czech* Czech*

What are common and proper adjectives?

Most adjectives used in writing and speech are common adjectives. Common adjectives are not capitalized. This is because they are everyday words, not derived from proper nouns. Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns. For this reason, they are capitalized.

Is Chinese a proper adjective?

The word “Chinese” is an adjective (specifically, a proper adjective) because it is used to describe a noun, as in “Chinese food.” Because proper adjectives derive themselves from proper nouns (which are capitalized), proper adjectives should be capitalized.

What kind of noun is China?

Noun. (uncountable) Synonym of porcelain, a hard white translucent ceramic made from kaolin, now (chiefly US) sometimes distinguished in reference to tableware as fine or good china. It’s a china doll.

Is Pacific a proper adjective?

pacific (adjective) Pacific (proper noun)

Does Pacific mean calm?

The adjective pacific means peaceful, calm, tranquil, or nonviolent.

What is a common adjective?

A common adjective is a grammatical part of speech that describes a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea). Adjectives typically answer the questions: “Which one?” “What kind?” “How many?” “How much?”

Can you be a little more pacific?

“To be more pacific” is a common butchering of the phrase “to be more specific.” Being more specific about something is going into additional detail about it. Being more pacific about something doesn’t mean anything, apart from indicating that the user is poorly educated in some regard.

What does be more pacific mean?

The word pacific refers to people, actions, and ideas that are peaceful. Pacific actions promote and create peace. A pacifist is a person who opposes all wars, and that word can help you remember that pacific things are also peaceful.

How do you pronounce specific and Pacific?

“Specific is pronounced “spe” (with a short ‘e’ as in “bed”) “siff” (to rhyme with “riff”) “ick” (rhymes with “sick”). “Pacific” is pronounced “Pa” (short ‘a’ as in “cat”) “siff” (as above) “ick” (as above).

Why can’t I pronounce certain words?

Usually, a nerve or brain disorder has made it difficult to control the tongue, lips, larynx, or vocal cords, which make speech. Dysarthria, which is difficulty pronouncing words, is sometimes confused with aphasia, which is difficulty producing language. People with dysarthria may also have problems swallowing.

What is the difference between specific and Pacific?

We need to yell that specific means something precise or of special application, while Pacific is an ocean.

How do you use Pacific in a sentence?

Pacific in a Sentence ?

  1. The burglar was able to escape with many valuables because the homeowner’s dog was very pacific.
  2. It was strange to see my usually pacific friend yell at the rude store cashier.
  3. Katie’s massage got her feeling much more pacific after such a stressful week at work.

Why is the Pacific called the Pacific?

Explorer Ferdinand Magellan named the Pacific Ocean in the 16th Century. He called this body of water pacific, due to the calmness of the water at the time (‘pacific’ means peaceful). When Magellan and his crew entered the Pacific Ocean after their long journey, they thought that the Spice Islands were close at hand.

What is the example of specific?

Specific is someone or something that is specially suited for a purpose or need. An example of specific is using pruning shears to prune a tree.