Which sentence contains an example of precise language?

Which sentence contains an example of precise language?

Answer: The sentence that contains an example of precise language is to achieve at the highest levels, an athlete must practice, an athlete must listen to constructive criticism, and an athlete must monitor his or her health?

How do you use precise words?

Precise Wording

  1. Replace abstract nouns with verbs. Verbs, more than nouns, help convey ideas concisely, so where possible, avoid using nouns derived from verbs.
  2. Prefer short words to long words and phrases.
  3. Avoid clichés.
  4. Avoid cluttered constructions.
  5. Use accurate wording.
  6. Prefer the active voice.

What are the techniques of writing precisely?

10 Techniques for More Precise Writing

  • Use Active Voice. When a sentence includes be or any other copulative verb, such as is or are, recast the sentence to omit the verb.
  • Avoid Vague Nouns.
  • Use Words, Not Their Definitions.
  • Avoid Noun Strings.
  • Convert Nouns to Verbs.
  • Reduce Verb Phrases to Simple Verbs.
  • Replace Complex Words with Simple Ones.
  • Avoid Expletives.

What is a good synonym for precise writing?

Some common synonyms of precise are accurate, correct, exact, nice, and right.

How do you write clearly?

Writing Concisely

  1. Eliminate unnecessary phrases and redundancies.
  2. Use clear and straightforward language.
  3. Write in active voice.
  4. Shorten wordy phrases.
  5. Avoid starting sentences with “there is”, “there are”, or “it is”.
  6. Eliminate extra nouns.
  7. Eliminate filler words such as “that”, “of”, or “up”.

What do you mean by writing clearly?

Writing clearly and concisely means choosing your words deliberately and precisely, constructing your sentences carefully to eliminate deadwood, and using grammar properly. By writing clearly and concisely, you will get straight to your point in a way your audience can easily comprehend.

How do you write clearly and logically?

General Guidelines

  1. Organize your ideas into a logical outline—before and during the writing process.
  2. Introduce, explain, summarize.
  3. Stay on point.
  4. Make it interesting.
  5. Write for your audience.
  6. Assume that your readers are intelligent, but do not assume that they know the subject matter as well as you.

What are the first two steps you should follow to write clearly?

A quicker way is to plan your content first:

  • Write down the purpose of your content in one or two sentences.
  • Create a list or mindmap of what you want to include.
  • Review the list and narrow down your topic—your initial list or mindmap is often too unwieldy, so you must cull irrelevant ideas.

How do you express ideas clearly in writing?

10 Steps to Express Yourself Better in Writing

  1. Plan. Even the briefest of outlines can help organize a thought process.
  2. Write like you talk. Some writers feel the best way to get their ideas on paper is to start with an oral representation.
  3. Mind your tone.
  4. Use Imagery.
  5. Write Dialogue.
  6. Share inner thoughts and voices.
  7. Answer questions.
  8. Change Perspectives.

How do you write logically?

Using Logic in Writing

  1. lay out each premise clearly.
  2. provide evidence for each premise.
  3. draw a clear connection to the conclusion.

What is logical progression in writing?

What is Logical Progression? Logical = makes sense in the reader’s brain. Progression = the order of things. The writing should be organized so that it clarifies and builds on the reader’s understanding of the information.

How do you create a perfect logical flow in writing?

There are three main ways:

  1. Logical layout of content, addressing one point at a time in a reader-friendly, logical sequence.
  2. Apt use of transitions to blend paragraphs together.
  3. Consistency in the finer points of style, tone, tenses and punctuation.

How do you write a logical argument?

There are three stages to creating a logical argument: Premise, inference, and conclusion.

  1. Stage one: Premise. The premise defines the evidence, or the reasons, that exist for proving your statement.
  2. Stage two: Inference.
  3. Stage three: Conclusion.

What is a logical sentence?

Definition: a sentence is logically true if and only if it is not possible for it to be false. Such a sentence is logically false. Logical indeterminacy. Definition: a sentence is logically indeterminate if and only if it is neither logically true nor logically false.

What is logical thinking example?

Logical thinking skills require and involve a progressive analysis, for example, by weighing all available options, using facts and figures, and making important decisions based on the pros and cons. They do not take into account the elements of feelings and emotions.

What are the 3 steps of critical thinking?

Critical Thinking: Steps to Critical Thinking

  • Steps 1 & 2: Reflection and Analysis.
  • Step 3: Acquisition of Information.
  • Step 4: Creativity.
  • Step 5: Structuring Arguments.
  • Step 6: Decision Making.
  • Steps 7 & 8: Commitment and Debate.

What is language precision?

In the book, “precision of language” means using the correct words to convey the exact thought the speaker intends to communicate. In other words, by using precise language, the speaker can communicate the actual thought and not something that is close to the thought.

How do you write precision in writing?

10 Techniques for More Precise Writing

  1. Use Active Voice. When a sentence includes be or any other copulative verb, such as is or are, recast the sentence to omit the verb.
  2. Avoid Vague Nouns.
  3. Use Words, Not Their Definitions.
  4. Avoid Noun Strings.
  5. Convert Nouns to Verbs.
  6. Reduce Verb Phrases to Simple Verbs.
  7. Replace Complex Words with Simple Ones.
  8. Avoid Expletives.

Can something be precise but not accurate?

Precision refers to how close measurements of the same item are to each other. Precision is independent of accuracy. That means it is possible to be very precise but not very accurate, and it is also possible to be accurate without being precise.

Can a measure be both precise and accurate?

Accuracy and Precision The precision of a measurement system is refers to how close the agreement is between repeated measurements (which are repeated under the same conditions). Measurements can be both accurate and precise, accurate but not precise, precise but not accurate, or neither.

Does repeating an experiment increase accuracy or precision?

Uncertainties related to precision are more often random. Therefore, repeating an experiment many times can improve the precision of experimental measurements via statistical averaging, but will not affect the accuracy, since systematic errors never “average away”. Here is an example.

Does bias affect accuracy or precision?

Bias is a measure of how far the expected value of the estimate is from the true value of the parameter being estimated. Precision is a measure of how similar the multiple estimates are to each other, not how close they are to the true value (which is bias). Precision and bias are two different components of Accuracy.