Which sentence contains parallel structure Jonah?

Which sentence contains parallel structure Jonah?

The correct answer is A. Jonah has two ultimate goals: becoming a published columnist and writing a book. When a sentence contains parallel structure, that means that the same form of a word is used throughout.

Which sentence is written correctly Kellen who graduated with honors will study microorganisms sensory neurons and potential energy Kellen who graduated with honors will study microorganisms sensory neurons and potential energy Kellen who graduated with honors will study microorganisms sensory neurons and potential?

The correct answer is as follows: “Kellen, who graduated with honors, will study microorganisms, sensory neurons, and potential energy.”

Which is the best revision of this sentence she met her friends in the lobby?

The best revision for the sentence is A, “She met her friends in the lobby of the hotel, and they headed over to the pool for a cool, refreshing swim.”

Which is a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.

Which is the best revision of this sentence mustufa ran the 100 meter and 200 meter races but the one he had trained for the hardest was the 400 meter competition?

Mustufa ran the 100-meter and 200-meter races (but the one he had trained for the hardest was the 400-meter competition). This is the only answer that is grammatically correct.

Which is the best use of punctuation pole vaulting quizlet?

Which is the best use of punctuation? Pole vaulting—and shot put—are Olympic track and field events.

Which sentence contains parallel structure Jalen folded the application?

The sentence that contains parallel structure is: Jalen folded the application and placed it in the envelope. Parallel structure is also known as parallelism.

Which sentence contains parallel structure Children are the hope of the future their ideas will solve tomorrow’s problems and conflicts we can hope for our children hope for the future hope for solutions and resolutions our children will live to see a future in which their problems?

The sentence that contains the parallel structure is (b) We can hope for our children, hope for the future, hope for solutions and resolutions. Parallel structure (parallelism) is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence, but the grammatical form must be of the same grammatical unit.

What is the sentence of future?

Examples of the Types of Future Tense

The 4 Future Tenses Examples
future perfect tense I will have gone. By the time you arrive, we will have finished the meal and the speeches.
future perfect progressive I will have been going. In July next year, you will have been studying for three years.

Will see in a sentence?

You will see him again. But you will see at once what to do. You will see at once that this must be so. We will see her anon.

Is I a complete sentence?

The sentence I am. certainly has a subject (I) and a predicate (am), and it expresses a complete thought, as well. And it’s pretty darned short. In this case, the subject of the sentence (and yes, it’s a complete sentence) is an understood you (either singular or plural, depending on the situation).

Will sentences examples in English?

Examples of Will: I will go to the cinema tonight. He will play tennis tomorrow. She will be happy with her exam results. They will take the bus to the South next week.

Where we use will have?

We use will have when we are looking back from a point in time in the future: By the end of the decade, scientists will have discovered a cure for influenza. I will phone at six o’clock. He will have got home by then.

Which is the best revision of this sentence mustufa ran the 100 meter and 200 meter races but the one he had trained for the hardest was the 400 meter competition mustufa ran the 100 meter and 200 meter races but the one he had trained for the hardest?

Which sentence is written correctly Mrs Ellis a petite woman wore the finest dresses from Paris Mrs Ellis a petite woman wore the finest dresses from Paris?

The sentence which is written correctly is Mrs. Ellis, a petite woman, wore the finest dresses from Paris. This sentence is correct because it uses the punctuation mark comma appropriately to make logical groupings. Also, it helps in segregating one list from another.

Which sentence is written correctly Karina?

The correct sentence is: Karina, the new student body president, was previously the class treasurer.

Which sentence is written correctly my garden has?

Answer Expert Verified The answer to your question would be that the sentence that is written correctly is the following one: My garden has green peppers, carrots, and three different kinds of tomatoes.

Which sentence contains parallel structure this peaceful protest?

Answer Expert Verified since a parallel structure is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. the answer would be: A peaceful protest, witnessed by many, was held today in this parking lot; everyone who witnessed the workers’ actions will understand their ideals.

Why do advertisers not use logos?

Logos is an appeal to our abilities to use logic and reasoning—or in other words, persuading with logic. Arguments with logos use solid evidence to convince readers. Unfortunately, many advertisements fail to use logos as part of their convincing us to buy a product.