Which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the authors reason for writing the crab that played with the sea?

Which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the authors reason for writing the crab that played with the sea?

Keeping this in consideration, which sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing the crab that played with the sea? The sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing is “Then the Eldest Magician. Give me the scissors!’

Which conclusion about Pau Amma does this excerpt support in the crab that played with the sea?

Explanation : The conclusion about Pau Amma from this excerpt supports that he thinks that he is better than other animals. As other animals obeyed Adams and did the same things as Adams demanded from them. But Pau Amma was not like other animals he wanted to play his own play and obey none.

What is the tone of this passage the crab that played with the sea?


Which evidence best supports the conclusion that the narrator is telling the story with a particular child in mind the crab that played with the sea?

Answer: The evidence that best supports the conclusion that the narrator is telling this story with a particular child in mind is “Pau Amma’s babies hate being taken out of their little Pusat Taseks and brought home in pickle-bottles. That is why they nip you with their scissors, and it serves you right!”

What is it called when you repeat the same line in a poem?

In a poem or song, a refrain is a line or group of lines that regularly repeat, usually at the end of a stanza in a poem or at the end of a verse in a song. In a speech or other prose writing, a refrain can refer to any phrase that repeats a number of times within the text.

What does unessential mean?

1 : not essential : dispensable, unimportant. 2 archaic : void of essence : insubstantial.

What is it called when you dont need something?

dispensable. adjective. if someone or something is dispensable, you do not need them and can get rid of them if you want to.

What does the word tireless mean?

: seemingly incapable of tiring : indefatigable a tireless worker.

Is being meticulous a bad thing?

However, very occasionally, “meticulous” can also be used to convey a negative sense, to mean excessively careful and very difficult to precise. Words that convey this negative sense include choosy, ultra-careful,scrupulous, punctilious, demanding, exacting, fastidious, finical, finicky, fussy, squeamish and picky.

What does Payah Kun mean?

That is quite right

How does repetition affect the narrator’s tone?

Explanation: Repetition emphasizes the tone and mood of the narrator, when we see that he repeats the bad qualities any one can guess that the narrator is angry, this applies to real life as well.5

How does repetition affect the narrator’s tone quizlet?

How does repetition affect the narrator’s tone? Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone humorous.

What happens when the Eldest Magician breathes?

When Eldest magician breathes everything transforms and becomes bigger and better. Explanation: Eldest magician is one of the central character from the play, ‘The crab that played with the sea. ‘ This play is one of the part from ‘Just so stories’ written by Rudyard Kipling who wrote many such plays for children.19

What was the eldest magician doing in the early days?

In the Time of the Very Beginning, the Eldest Magician was getting everything ready. He made the Earth ready and the Sea ready. When all was as it should be, he called all the Animals to come out and play. “What shall we play?” asked each Animal.

Why does the Eldest Magician ask the Fisher of the sea to create tides?

-to help boats travel across the sea. -to help Pau Amma find hiding places. -to make it easier for people to catch fish. -to help the sea creatures perform their plays.22

What is the tone of the story the crab that played with the sea?

This is why in this children´s story, Ruyard Kipling explains why and how crabs came to be so small. Then, how does repetition affect the narrator’s tone the crab that played with the sea? Repetition of the word lazy makes the tone angry. Repetition of the word Fisherman makes the tone playful.28

How does the use of imagery create meaning the crab that played with the sea?

How does the use of imagery create meaning? The imagery emphasizes the compassion and authority of the Eldest Magician. The imagery explains how the animals are responsible for creating nature. The imagery highlights the importance of earth, Moon, and Sea.8

Which two factors combine to form an author’s purpose for writing a text?

Answer. audience and message imagery and repetition narrator and narrator’s point of view tone and word choice but it’s asking to put them together.24

Which is the best definition of the word tone the reason an author writes a text?

Which is the best definition of the word tone? the reason an author writes a text. words that describe characters’ emotions. vivid language that describes sensory experience. the narrator’s attitude toward the subject matter and audience.

How do you determine the author’s tone?

Tone is the author’s attitude toward the topic. The author’s attitude is expressed through the words and details he or she selects. For example, textbooks are usually written with an objective tone which includes facts and reasonable explanations. The objective tone is matter-of-fact and neutral.

How do you identify the author’s tone?

The definition of “tone” in literature is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing.

How does the writer reveal her attitude towards the subject of her essay?

An author’s attitude, or tone, is simply his or her feelings about the subject he or she is writing about. Writers express their attitudes through their word choices, sentence structures, and figurative language. Readers can determine an author’s attitude by asking themselves important questions about these elements.

How does the writer unveil her attitude towards the subject?

Diction, imagery, figurative language, and syntax are used by the author to reveal the attitude of the author or the speaker.

What is the attitude of the writer toward the subject matter?

Tone is the author’s attitude toward the topic. The author’s attitude is expressed through the words and details he or she selects. For example, textbooks are usually written with an objective tone which includes facts and reasonable explanations. Subjective tone is personal, biased, emotional, and often informal.

How does tone affect writing?

Tone helps you better relate to your audience’s emotions, needs, wants, and interests. The better you can relate to them, the stronger their engagement with your content will be. Tone can build a connection between reader and writer (or reader and brand) by eliciting an emotional response from the reader.

How can I improve my writing tone?

Let’s look at a few of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the tone of your writing.

  1. Avoid a Predictable Treatment of Your Subject.
  2. Keep Tone Consistent From Start to Finish.
  3. Cut Ruthlessly.
  4. Let Tension Sustain Tone.
  5. Use Your Voice.
  6. Convey Tone Through Details and Descriptions.

Why is tone important in technical writing?

In order to make the document effective, you must write confidently. Consequently, a confident tone will have a persuasive effect on your audience. The reader will become more inclined to accept your position, and will notice the confidence that you have.

What tone should a formal letter always have?

Always use a formal tone while writing a formal letter. Since a formal letter is usually written for official reasons, avoid using informal language. This means that you should use words such as “please” and “kindly” but avoid using words such as “cool” and “awesome.”

How do you end the main body of a formal letter?

The following options are all good ways to close a formal letter:

  1. All the best.
  2. Best regards.
  3. Best wishes.
  4. Best.
  5. My best.
  6. Regards.
  7. Respectfully.
  8. Respectfully yours.

What are the two kinds of formal letter?

Types of Formal Letter

  • Letter of Enquiry.
  • Order Letter.
  • Letter of Complaint.
  • Reply to a Letter of Complaint.
  • Promotion Letter.
  • Sales Letters.
  • Recovery Letters.