Which sentence has an infinitive phrase?

Which sentence has an infinitive phrase?

Nominal infinitive phrases can be the subject of a sentence, the direct object, or the object of a preposition. For example, “To visit Italy had been her dream for years.” Here, the infinitive phrase to visit Italy functions as a noun, and is the subject of the sentence.

What is participial phrase and give examples?

Consider these examples: Walking on the beach, Delores dodged the jellyfish that had washed ashore. Walking on the beach = present participle phrase describing the noun Delores. Walking on the beach is painful if jellyfish have washed ashore.

How do you write a participial phrase?

Participial phrases consist of a present participle (ending in “ing”) or past participle (ending in “en”), plus modifiers, objects, and complements. Participial phrases are set aside by commas and function in the same way as adjectives in a sentence.

What is an example of a participle sentence?

Other examples of present participles include swimming, laughing, and playing. The present participle can function as an adjective and modify nouns in sentences. For example: In the sentence, “The winning athlete gets a trophy,” the present participle winning describes the noun athlete.

What does participle mean in grammar?

A participle is a form of a verb that can be used as an adjective or combined with the verb to be to construct different verb tenses.

What is a infinitive in grammar?

An infinitive is a verbal consisting of the word to plus a verb (in its simplest “stem” form) and functioning as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

What is the meaning of past participle tense?

: a participle that typically expresses completed action, that is traditionally one of the principal parts of the verb, and that is traditionally used in English in the formation of perfect tenses in the active voice and of all tenses in the passive voice.

Can we use past participle with is?

Originally Answered: When can we allow to use the verb (is, are) + past tense? The trouble is that the word “is” is present tense. Thus it can’t take the past tense, because tense is governed by the verb, “is” is a verb and “is” is present.

Is were past tense?

Meaning – Were is the past tense of the verb are. Look at this example of were used in a sentence. Since were means the same as the past tense of are in this sentence, it is the correct word to use. Meaning – We’re is a contraction made from the two words we and are.

Was were use in past tense?

If you want to remember easily, you can think of was/were as the past tense form of the auxiliary verbs am, is and are. Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they.