Which sentence in the passage is an example of an oxymoron?

Which sentence in the passage is an example of an oxymoron?

Answer: The sentence which has “deafening silence.” Explanation: “deafening silence,” which describes a silence that is so overpowering it almost feels deafening, or extremely loud—just as an actual sound would.

What does oxymoron mean?

An “oxymoron” is a figure of speech that has two contradictory or opposite words appearing side by side.

What plan does Friar Laurence devise for Juliet?

The friar proposes a plan: Juliet must consent to marry Paris; then, on the night before the wedding, she must drink a sleeping potion that will make her appear to be dead. Juliet will be laid to rest in the Capulet tomb, and the friar will send word to Romeo in Mantua to help him retrieve her when she wakes up.

Why does Juliet forsake her nurse?

Juliet forsakes her nurse because Nurse recommends that Juliet forget about Romeo and marry Paris. The Nurse’s main role in the play is that of a secondary mother figure for Juliet. She conveys her affection for Juliet frequently and wants her to be really happy.

What does Romeo say a kiss will take from him?

They kiss, and Romeo expresses his happiness: “Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged” (1.5. 107), meaning that the kiss of his saint has cleansed him of sin. She says that if her lips have taken away his sin then her lips must now have his sin.

Why does Capulet tell Tybalt to leave Romeo alone?

Tybalt’s first response to seeing Romeo at the party is to attack him. Why does Lord Capulet tell him to leave Romeo alone? He is afraid that Romeo and his friends will retaliate if they are confronted.

Why does Lord Capulet become upset with Tybalt?

Why does Tybalt become so upset, and how does Capulet respond to his rage? He is upset because he sees Romeo at his party and their families do not like each other. Capulet tells him not to fight tonight. Juliet because Romeo is a Montague and she fell in love with him before she knew he was a Montague.

What are idioms in simple words?

An idiom is a common phrase which means something different from its literal meaning but can be understood because of their popular use. Idioms are made of normal words that have a special meaning known to almost everyone.

How do you explain idioms to students?

Teaching Idioms

  1. Only introduce a few idioms at a time. Don’t overwhelm students by throwing lists of phrases at them.
  2. Use stories. Telling a story can help students understand and remember the meaning behind the words.
  3. Use visuals.
  4. Use conversations.
  5. Say the idioms regularly in the classroom.
  6. Keep it fun and light.
  7. Resources.

How do you memorize idioms and phrases easily?

  1. Try to devise its visual meaning by putting it in a sentence. Eg.
  2. Read the idiom again and again and try to draw a connection between the words used.
  3. While reading the idioms try to understand the context for which they are used, this will help you in memorizing them.