Which sentence shows the correct use of common homophones?

Which sentence shows the correct use of common homophones?

Answer is A: I would like to come along with everyone, too. Explanation: to and too are homophones.

What is a common homophone?

As mentioned above, sets of words like “you’re” and “your” are called homophones. The root of that word, homo-, means “same,” and the root phone- means “sound.” Homophones are two words that sound the same, but have different meanings. So the words “two” and “to” are homophones, as are “ate” and “eight.”

What is the definition of homophone?

1 grammar : one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling (such as the words to, too, and two)

Which sentence contain possible synonyms for the word labyrinth?

The two synonyms for labyrinth are jungle and maze.

Which synonym best replaces the word assess in the sentence below quizlet?


Which word best defines the word crude quizlet?

Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. Which word best defines the word crude?…

  • the quality of being unchanged from the original state.
  • the quality of being primitive or uncultured.
  • the quality of being blunt or offensive.
  • the quality of being rough in execution.

Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone they’re still not finished?

The correct answer is A. They’re still not finished with the project that was due yesterday.

What is the most common definition of crude?

in a raw or unprepared state; unrefined or natural: crude sugar. lacking in intellectual subtlety, perceptivity, etc.; rudimentary; undeveloped.

What’s another word for joyful?

SYNONYMS FOR joyful 1 joyous, happy, blithe; buoyant, elated, jubilant.

How do you describe a joyful person?

Glad pleased and cheerful; feeling happy; appreciative; very willing; joyous; gratified. Gleeful triumphantly joyful; full of overjoyed delight; merry. Good-humored cheerful; amiable; happy.

What is the meaning of joyful?

full of joy, as a person or one’s heart; glad; delighted. showing or expressing joy, as looks, actions, or speech. causing or bringing joy, as an event, a sight, or news; delightful: the joyful announcement of their marriage.

Whats the opposite of joyful?

Antonyms. unhappy joyless sorrowful dejected depressing.

What means miserable?

1 : being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame) miserable refugees. 2a : wretchedly inadequate or meager (see meager sense 2) a miserable hovel. b : causing extreme discomfort or unhappiness a miserable situation miserable weather his miserable childhood.

What is dangerous antonym?

strong, feeble, sure, honest, pleasing, salubrious, trivial, sound, noncritical, weak, nonpoisonous, salutary, wholesome, nontoxic, despicable, beneficial, happy, certain, true, safe, guarded, nonfatal, kind, contemptible, noninfectious, helpless, healthful, nonlethal, curative, untroubled, agreeable, noncorrosive.

What’s the opposite of regularly?

What is the opposite of regularly?

sometimes occasionally
irregularly periodically
erratically sporadically
spasmodically at times
off-and-on on occasion

What is the nearest in meaning of regularly?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for regularly. commonly, habitually, ordinarily, routinely.

What is opposite of afraid?

“We chose to remain calm in the face of adversity.”…What is the opposite of afraid?

unafraid brave
courageous inapprehensive
intrepid undaunted
undismayed bold
fearless unworried

What does regularly mean?

in a regular manner

How do u spell regular?

How Do You Spell REGULAR? Correct spelling for the English word “regular” is [ɹˈɛɡjuːlə], [ɹˈɛɡjuːlə], [ɹ_ˈɛ_ɡ_j_uː_l_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is more regularly correct?

No. There is no such thing as “grammatically more correct. ‘ Either something is correct or wrong (incorrect). Often already means more than once on fact more than few rime and on regular basis regularly or irregularly is irrelevant.

Does regularly mean everyday?

regularly | Business English at the same time each day, week, month, etc.Il y a 5 jours

What is the difference between daily and regularly?

daily = done as a matter of fixed routine, on a regular basis each day. every day = more of a statement of fact to describe when something is done. And, regularly does not exactly mean daily or everyday because regularly just means a constant frequency or habit.

What is the difference between everyday and daily?

As adjectives the difference between everyday and daily is that everyday is appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions while daily is quotidian, that occurs every day, or at least every working day.

What is the difference between each day and every day?

Everyday is an adjective we use to describe something that’s seen or used every day. It means “ordinary” or “typical.” Every day is a phrase that simply means “each day.”

When should you separate every day?

First, as I said above, everyday is an adjective, so if you are looking to modify a noun, you will want to use everyday. Second, every day is synonymous with the phrase each day. If you can replace every day with the words each day and it still makes sense, then the two-word phrase is probably correct.

Should I use each or every?

Although both words refer to something that is singular, each refers to an individual object or person, while the term every refers to a group of objects or people lumped together as one.

Where do you put everyday in a sentence?

Using Every Day in a Sentence

  • I run every day and sleep every night. (at the end of the clause I run)
  • Every day, the sun rises and she wakes up to go to school. (at the beginning of the clause the sun rises)

What is an everyday example?

0. The definition of everyday is daily or is something ordinary, regularly used or not fancy. An example of something everyday is your morning routine. An example of something everyday is a dish that isn’t saved for special guests. adjective.

Is everyone one word or two?

Everyone (one word) should be used when referring to all the people within a group. A good way to remember this is to note that the pronoun everyone may be replaced by everybody. See the examples below: The new protocols will affect everyone positively.

Is Everyday adverb of time?

Adverbs of time and definite frequency say when or how often something happens. Examples are: today, yesterday, in the afternoon, last night, last week, last year, two months ago, already, soon, still, finally, weekly, daily, every year, monthly etc. Adverbs of time and definite frequency usually go in end-position.