Which sentence uses correct punctuation the couple?

Which sentence uses correct punctuation the couple?

Answer Expert Verified The answer is B: The couple looked at the exterior of the house, they noticed; the paint was in disrepair. The comma (,) is used because there is an inversion in the order of the sentence.

Which sentence uses correct punctuation We saw several national landmarks on our summer vacation Mount Rushmore the Washington Monument and the Grand Canyon for my history paper I chose three key American battles Lexington Gettysburg and Bull Run Voltaire wrote?

We saw several national landmarks on our summer vacation: Mount Rushmore, the Washington Monument, and the Grand Canyon. A colon should be used before listed items when the sentence can actually stop at the colon. This sentence is a complete sentence before the list of landmarks.

Which sentence uses correct punctuation the baseball player hit the ball and the crowd cheered the baseball player hit the ball and the crowd cheered the baseball player hit the ball and the crowd cheered the baseball player hit the ball the crowd cheered?

Answer: C. The baseball player hit the ball, and the crowd cheered.

Which sentence uses correct punctuation Debbie knew?

Considering this, the sentence that uses correct punctuation is “Debbie knew that studying for her test was important; consequently, she cleared her schedule for the night”.

Which sentence uses correct punctuation We always enjoy the beach on a bright sunny day?

The Correct answer Is A: We always enjoy the beach on a bright, sunny day.

Why do people put after sentences?

It is not an informal way of talking, rather is often used when the writer wants to convey that the sentence is in continuance. Usually ‘..’ are used at the end of the sentence or in between two sentences to show continuity.

What does the 3 dots tattoo mean?

mi vida loca

What does 3 dots in a triangle mean?

Why do people send dots?

In manga dot’s are used to express a silent response. This is needed because manga doesn’t have time, it has panels. To show time passing without anything being said they put in dots. If I send you a single dot in an SMS or chat it means, I’m here.

How do you put 2 dots over a letter?

On an iOS or Android device, access umlaut marks by tapping-and-holding a particular key. For example, tap and hold the uppercase or lowercase O key, then slide your finger over to ö or Ö to use it in texts, emails, and other documents.

What does this mean Ø?

The letter “Ø” is sometimes used in mathematics as a replacement for the symbol “∅” (Unicode character U+2205), referring to the empty set as established by Bourbaki, and sometimes in linguistics as a replacement for same symbol used to represent a zero. Slashed zero is an alternate glyph for the zero character.

What language uses Ö?

Ö or ö is not a letter used in English, but is used in some other languages, such as German, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish and Swedish.

What is Ä in English?

Ä or ä is one of the 4 extra letters used in German. In English language newspapers it is often written as A or a but this is not correct. Ä and ä are usually pronounced like the “e” in “bed”. Internet addresses are written as “ae” because the internet address system can only understand ordinary English letters.

What is the Ü called?

The result of the dots, so the letter with the dots on it, is an Umlaut – literally a “resounding” – of the vowel. The dots themselves are commonly known as ä/ö/ü-Striche (or Strichelchen), depending on what word you have in mind. That’s what we, including the teachers, used in school.