Which sentences correctly use parentheses?

Which sentences correctly use parentheses?

Rule 1. Use parentheses to enclose information that clarifies or is used as an aside. Example: He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that he did not understand the question. If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses.

How do you say love in English?

Classic ways to say I love you

  1. I love you. Sweet, simple and easy to remember.
  2. I’m in love with you. This phrase is a bit more intense than the simple, ‘I love you.
  3. You’re the love of my life.
  4. I love you to the moon and back.
  5. I’m crazy about you.
  6. I’m head over heels for you.
  7. You’re my other half.
  8. I will always love you.

How can I express my love to a girl?

50 Ways To Show Her You Love Her

  1. Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important.
  2. Listen to her. Not just to the words she’s saying but to the feeling she tries to express.
  3. Compliment her.
  4. Try to show interest in things she enjoys.
  5. Consider her opinion before making a decision.
  6. Be forgiving.
  7. Plan a small trip.
  8. Set goals together.

How do you tell a girl she’s beautiful?

  1. Find Something Unique About Her. Identify something unique about the girl you want to compliment, and let that be how you say she is beautiful.
  2. Identify Beautiful Traits.
  3. Focus on Actions.
  4. Take Yourself Out of It.
  5. Aim to Help Her Feel Valued.

How do you make a girl feel special quotes?

Best Love Quotes To Make Her Feel Special

  1. “To lose you is my worst fear…”
  2. “Till my last day, I’ll be loving you.”
  3. “I’d do anything just to hold your hand.”
  4. “You’d be surprised how often I think of you.”
  5. “Can you feel my heart?
  6. “I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.”