Which statement best describes the theme of this stanza the tide rises the tide falls?

Which statement best describes the theme of this stanza the tide rises the tide falls?

Based on the given stanza above of “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls,” the statement that best describes the theme of this stanza is that, human beings are challenged by events in the natural world. Hope this answers your question.

What is the tide rises the tide falls about?

The poem The Tide Rises the Tide Falls by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is all about the process of birth-death-rebirth in the world. The plot is set at a sea-shore and the theme revolves around the sad reality of temporary life on Earth. The poem is sad and dark and there is ample use of personification.

Why do you think the title is the tide rises the tide falls?

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow In this poem, the tides are just a metaphor for the ups and downs of life, the natural cycles of life and death. The title itself is really neat in that it very cleverly communicates the poem’s interest in cycles.

What is the theme of the tide rises the tide falls develop as the poem moves forward?

How does the theme of “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” develop as the poem moves forward? The poem starts with an indication of inevitability and ends on a note of transcendence. The poem begins by suggesting that humans live in harmony with nature, then contradicts itself by the end.

What is our destined end or way?

“Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,/ Is our destined end or way;/ But to act, that each to-morrow/ Find us farther than to-day.” In other words, the speaker is saying that we are meant to enjoy life and not just live to die.

What is Longfellow’s view?

Longfellow’s view and our view is just the same. He encourages his readers not to waste life because life is short and it will going to end soon so we must live life to the fullest.

What according to the poet is the goal of life?

According to the speaker in Longfellow’s poem ‘A Psalm of Life’ this life is ‘not an empty dream’. It is rather real. The poet want us to live an ideal life. He says that enjoyment and sorrow sholud not be the aim of our life.

What is the meter in the tide rises the tide falls?

In “The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls,” each foot contains one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable. This pattern is called iambic meter. Here is an example of iambic meter from everyday speech: I have to go to school today.

What is the purpose of the repetition of the tide rising and falling in the poem?

The repetition suggests the continuous motion of the sea. This supports the theme that human life and works are transitory. Though the rising and falling of the tide is the central image in the poem, other patterns and cycles are also present.

How does HW Longfellow explicate the theme of nature?

Through explicating this poem, it is easy to see the theme that death is inevitable and that nature brings people to rest just as a mother leads her child to bed after a long day; Longfellow uses figurative language, attitude, and a Petrarchan style sonnet to show the comparison between how nature and mothers nurture …

How far unknown transcends what we know?

How far the unknown transcends the what we know. This poem is in the public domain. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, one of the “Fireside Poets,” wrote lyrical poems about history, mythology, and legend that were popular and widely translated, making him the most famous American of his day.

Who wrote nature poem?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Who is compared to nature in the poem to nature?

He goes on to compare nature to God or a spirit or at the very least a church. He goes on to say that he will put his alter in the fields and compares himself to a priest. This poem is written as one stanza with fourteen lines. It is rhymed as ABBAACCDEDEDFF and is written in iambic-pentameter.