Which statement explains how Teiresias character affects the plot?

Which statement explains how Teiresias character affects the plot?

Which statement explains how Teiresias’ character affects the plot? The character has no effect on the plot. The character causes Creon to rebel against the gods.

What does Teiresias character reveal about the beliefs?

What does Teiresias’ character reveal about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks? Gods punish the wicked. Which event occurs at the climax of the play? Creon changes his mind and decides to bury Polyneices and to free Antigone.

Which graphic organizer is used to identify causal relationships?

Answer: The graphic organizer that is used to identify causal relationships is number 2.

What role did the Choragus serve?

The Choragos is the leader of the chorus, and he is also the member of the chorus who participates in the drama of the play as a member of the cast. In his role, he interacts with people in the play. In scene I, his task is to encourage Oedipus to summon Teiresias, the blind prophet, to figure out who killed the king.

Who is the Choragos meant to represent?

The Choragos is one actor who often speaks alone, and is meant to represent the entire chorus on stage.

What does Choragus mean?

the leader of a chorus

What was the job of the Choregos?

Choregoi paid for costumes, rehearsals, expenses of the chorus (including training, salaries, board and lodging), scenery, props (including elaborate masks), special effects and most of the musicians.

Who is Thespis and what did he do?

According to ancient tradition, Thespis was the first actor in Greek drama. He was often called the inventor of tragedy, and his name was recorded as the first to stage a tragedy at the Great (or City) Dionysia (c. 534 bc).

Who is the Choragos Coryphaeus?

Oh, and if you want a word that is related to chorus, that would be choragus – also seen as choregus and choragos. It refers to the honorary leader of the chorus, an Athenian citizen who ponied up the drachmas to pay for the chorus. The coryphaeus was the actual leader of the chorus.

What is a Proagon?

noun, plural pro·a·go·nes [proh-uh-goh-neez]. / ˌproʊ əˈgoʊ niz/. Greek. (in ancient Greek comedy) a disputatious exchange, sometimes of a slapstick nature, between the chorus and the characters, or among the characters themselves, usually following the parodos and preceding the agon.

Who is Dionysus?

Dionysus, also spelled Dionysos, also called Bacchus or (in Rome) Liber Pater, in Greco-Roman religion, a nature god of fruitfulness and vegetation, especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, a daughter of Cadmus (king of Thebes).

What was the writing style of Sophocles?

Sophocles masterfully uses dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex. Dramatic irony occurs when the irony is known by the audience but not to the characters. Sophocles also makes use of heavy foreshadowing.

Who selected the winner of the Dithyramb contest?

So during the dithyramb contest after each playwright presented his tetralogy, a group of 10 randomly chosen citizens would select the winner, who was honored with an ivy wreath, sacrificial animals, and a big banquet.

What do Creon and Antigone have in common?

The similarities that Antigone and Creon shared were independence, loyalty toward their views, cruelty and arrogance (“The Similarities”). The connection shared by Antigone and Creon showed that as hard as Sophocles tried to make them diverse, he made them unintentionally equivalent at the same time.…