Which statement is an example of metaphor?

Which statement is an example of metaphor?

A metaphor is a comparison of two things without using “like” or “as” for example: “He was a raging bull, tearing through the house.” He isn’t a legit bull but the metaphor is comparing him to a bull.

Which statement is an example of a metaphor she has a messy room?

Option “B” is an example of metaphor: “Her room was a pigsty.” A metaphor describes an object but in a way that it isn’t literally true. When using a metaphor, you are comparing things indirectly; that’s why you are making use of figurative language (not literal language).

Which statement is an example of a figure of speech her room?

The correct answer is D. However, if you take a look at option D, you will see a figure of speech – to be precise, it is a metaphor. The narrator is comparing her room to a pigsty – it is not literally a pigsty, but rather just resembles one.

What type of figurative language is as proud as a peacock?


What does the metaphor she is a peacock mean?

Peacocks are stereotyped as being showy, glittery, perhaps even proud or pompous or self absorbed, vain and selfish.. So in this case it could be used to describe her appearance or dress, her character or personality or her behaviour. Therefore, “she is a peacock”.

What is as proud as?

Having a very high opinion of oneself, filled with or showing excessive self-esteem. For example, She strutted about in her new outfit, proud as a peacock. This simile alludes to the male peacock, with its colorful tail that can be expanded like a fan, which has long symbolized vanity and pride.

What can I say instead of I’m proud of you?

There are alternatives to praise and saying “I’m proud of you”, and they include:

  • “Wow!! I’m so impressed!”
  • “I love who you are!”
  • “You must be so proud!”
  • “I value you!”
  • “I’m proud for you”
  • “I’m so pleased for you”
  • “You look really pleased with your effort”
  • “Congratulations!”

What’s a better word than proud?

What is another word for proud?

fulfilled gratified
contented delighted
glad pleased
satisfied appreciative
spirited dignified

What’s another name for proud?

Synonyms & Antonyms of proud

  • disdainful,
  • haughty,
  • highfalutin.
  • (also hifalutin),
  • lofty,
  • lordly,
  • prideful,
  • superior.

What is another word for not proud?

not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful. having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very humble.

What’s a word for being proud of yourself?

What is another word for proud of yourself?

self-satisfied conceited
proud pompous
smug egotistical
vainglorious vain
egotistic arrogant

Is proud a bad word?

The adjective is proud. The word pride can be used in a good sense as well as in a bad sense. In a good sense it means having a feeling of self-respect. Someone who is described as proud may be arrogant.

What is sinful pride?

Lust, envy, anger, greed, gluttony and sloth are all bad, the sages say, but pride is the deadliest of all, the root of all evil, and the beginning of sin. Pride is self-respect and self-esteem, he says, but then warns that pride is arrogance and hubris as well.

What is the root cause of pride?

Please share with others! Pride is rooted in deep insecurity, fear, and unworthiness. Prideful people often feel small, overlooked, insecure, and unloved. To hide those feelings from the world a prideful person puts on a false mask of perfection, confidence, and engages in attention seeking behaviors.

What is the opposite of rude?

Opposite Word of rude: “kind, mannerly, nice, polite, respectful”

What is a rude word?

(ruːd wɜːd) a word that is generally considered vulgar or obscene; swearword. Daddy, he said a rude word.

How do you describe a rude person?

Impolite — He’s rude. Inconsiderate — He does things that hurt or annoy you without thinking about your feelings. Thoughtless — The same as “inconsiderate.”

How do you say rude in a nice way?

Top Five Ways to Say Something Rude… Politely

  1. Turn it into a compliment!
  2. Diss yourself in the process!
  3. Disguise it in a rant! Ex.: You dress like a harlot. —->
  4. Make it seem like a good thing… Sort of. Ex.: You spit when you talk! —->
  5. Make them feel guilty, but do it nicely! Ex.: I hate it when you text other people when you talk to me. —–>

What do you call someone who has a bad attitude?

The word is pessimist, a person who expects the worst. It is often said that while optimists are happier, pessimists are more often correct. and. Optimists are said to live longer than pessimists, though a pessimist might say those extra few years are bound to be miserable.

What are the 3 best words to describe yourself?

Positive words to describe yourself

  1. Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  2. Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  3. Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  4. Energetic. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
  5. Experience.
  6. Flexible.
  7. Hardworking.
  8. Honest.

How do you describe a good person in one word?

Reason why people like Nik #1

  • Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
  • Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
  • Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
  • Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
  • Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
  • Likeable — He’s easy to like.

What do you call an attractive girl?

Contexts. A person who is very physically attractive. Dangerously seductive woman. Noun. ▲

Which statement is an example of a metaphor answers com?

“I am a rainbow” is a example of metaphor because it is comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as.

What is a metaphor using like or as?

Ann Edwards. · Grammar. While both similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons, the difference between similes and metaphors comes down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.” In contrast, metaphors directly state a comparison—“Love is a battlefield.”

What do you mean by ubiquity?

: presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously : omnipresence.

What is it called when you believe in something and it happens?

I’m not aware of a single word for this but there is a phrase: self-fulfilling prophecy. It means that your belief that something would happen caused you to do things (or not to do things) that eventually made it happen.