Which theme is best conveyed by this quote?

Which theme is best conveyed by this quote?

Answer: The theme that is best conveyed by this quote is D. Outward appearances can be deceiving. Explanation: The quote provided was taken from Chapter 15 from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Moreover, the words provided are pronounced by the monster in the book.

Why would Victor Frankenstein rather than his creation most likely be considered?

Answer Expert Verified In the story, Victor Frankenstein, rather than his creation, would most likely be considered monstrous because he has the power to create and destroy life as he wills, and he uses this power even though it is morally incorrect.

What is Frankenstein’s main goal after seeing the monster?

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Frankenstein’s main goal after seeing the monster for the first time upon its creation is that he wants to escape the consequence of his choices. Frankenstein felt really terrified as soon as he saw the final outcome of his experiment which was totally the opposite to what he expected.

Why does the monster see himself as different from the biblical Adam?

The correct answer is D: Adam came into the world happy and protected, whereas the monster entered the world confused and alone. The creature sees himself as another Adam because he was created apparently united by no link to any other being in existence.

Who does the monster compare himself to?


How does the creature view himself?

The creature, on the other hand, has always seen himself as ugly yet capable of very human feelings. He sees that humankind can be godlike as well as wicked, and he recognizes that he, too, has the capacity for both.

Who is the true monster in Frankenstein?

Dr. Victor Frankenstein

Did Frankenstein have feelings?

Although The Creature is referred to as an emotionless non-human atrocity by Victor, he also expresses a wide range of complex and extreme emotions that indicate Sensibility. From happiness to grief, The Creature continually articulates and feels emotions that advocate his humanity.

Why is Victor stranded on the ice?

Why is Victor stranded on the ice? Victor followed the creature onto the ice and could see him in the distance. But when he is within a mile of him, the creature disappears and the ice breaks apart, leaving Victor stranded.

How is science presented in Frankenstein?

In Frankenstein, Victor embodies the concept of unrestrained science. He is allured by the power and potential of science from a very young age. In spite of its lack of credibility, Victor develops a strong interest in alchemy, which focuses on harnessing the powers of science for personal gain

What type of science did Frankenstein study?


What is Frankenstein’s tragic flaw?

Hamartia is a literary term that refers to a tragic flaw or error that leads to a character’s downfall. In the novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein’s arrogant conviction that he can usurp the roles of God and nature in creating life directly leads to ruinous consequences for him, making it an example of hamartia.

What is Frankenstein afraid of?

Frankenstein’s creature is afraid of fire because fire is deceptive. When he first sees it, he is delighted by its brightness, color, and warmth

Why did Frankenstein create the monster?

1) Why does Frankenstein create the Monster? Frankenstein believes that by creating the Monster, he can discover the secrets of “life and death,” create a “new species,” and learn how to “renew life.” He is motivated to attempt these things by ambition. She dies shortly before he begins to study science.

Why was Frankenstein banned?

Frankenstein was banned in 1955 in South African Apartheid for being “objectionable and obscene.” The South Africa ban came 6 years after the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and 5 years after the Immorality Act was amended to prohibit unmarried sexual relations between ‘Europeans’ and ‘non-Europeans’