Which topic lends itself best to a formal style?

Which topic lends itself best to a formal style?

Weegy: The topic which would lend itself only to a formal style of writing is Psychological Effects of Nuclear Weapons.

Which of the following topics would lend itself only to a formal style of writing Brainly?

Answer Expert Verified The topic based on the “Psychological Effects of Nuclear Weapons” would lend itself to a formal style of writing because of its title alone and the assumed objectivity of the said matter.

Which of the following is correct regarding use of the formal English?

In formal English, we use words to say precisely what we mean. The following is correct regarding use of formal English: In formal English, we use words to say precisely what we mean.

Which of the following is a run on sentence Weegy?

The game will be called if the storm continues, the weather is dangerous. The following sentence is a run-on: The game will be called if the storm continues, the weather is dangerous.

Which of the following is a run on sentences?

There are two types of run-on sentences: fused sentences and comma splices. A fused sentence occurs when independent clauses (indicated here with underlining) run together with no marks of punctuation or coordinating conjunctions to separate them. My professor read my paper she said it was excellent.

Which of the following is an example of a run on sentence?

Adding a semicolon between the two clauses can join two clauses in a run-on sentence. Example: Run-on: I woke up I ate breakfast. (Run-on)

Which one of the following is a run on sentences?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly. Example: I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time. There are two complete sentences in the above example: Sentence 1: I love to write papers.

How do you explain run-on sentences?

Run-on sentences, also known as fused sentences, occur when two complete sentences are squashed together without using a coordinating conjunction or proper punctuation, such as a period or a semicolon. Run-on sentences can be short or long. A long sentence isn’t necessarily a run-on sentence.

What is a run-on sentence in grammar?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are not joined correctly. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a sentence, as in, “the dog runs.” Your writing may be confusing or unclear if independent clauses are joined incorrectly.

What are four ways to fix a comma splice error?

Five Ways to Fix a Run-on or Comma Splice

  1. Add a period and a capital letter. Add a period and a capital letter to separate the sentences.
  2. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
  3. Add a semicolon.
  4. Add a “transitional word”
  5. Add a subordinating conjunction.