Which type of evidence would most likely include a testimonial empirical logical ethical?

Which type of evidence would most likely include a testimonial empirical logical ethical?

Correct answer is option A ):testimonials and anecdotal evidence. Testimonial evidence is one when a witness is summoned to the witness stand under oath and they provide testimony, speak to a jury, about what they know about the case in regards to the facts to the case.

What evidence do the authors include to support the central idea that Indian workers and formerly?

Answer: Logical evidence that Indian workers and formerly enslaved people did not get along with one another because wages went down.

Which quotation best gives empirical evidence supporting the central idea that the Indians working conditions were similar to slavery?

The evidence details hard work and the Indian laborers’ lack of control over their lives. Which quotation best gives empirical evidence supporting the central idea that the Indians’ working conditions were similar to slavery? “If they were lucky, [they might] get a place at the factory.”

How does the evidence most support the central idea that Gandhi recognized indentured servants brutal treatment the evidence explains that Gandhi would lose caste if he traveled across the black water the evidence indicates that Gandhi wanted to live where he could interact?

How does the evidence most support the central idea that Gandhi recognized indentured servants’ brutal treatment? The evidence explains that Gandhi would lose caste if he traveled across the black water. The evidence indicates that Gandhi wanted to live where he could interact with sugar workers….

Which statement best explains how the evidence supports the central idea that working conditions?

Which statement best explains how the evidence supports the central idea that working conditions were similar to slavery? The evidence explains that Indian laborers worked in both fields and factories. The evidence indicates that Indian laborers had contracts and were paid for their work.

Which sentence best states the central idea of the passage recruiters?

Answer: The first one is Recruiters used deceptive practices….

Which sentence best states the central idea of the passage a new society was emerging?

Answer: the first one is a new society was emerging . the second one is but now there are more and more free workers….

Which sentence states the main idea of the passage?

topic sentence

Which quotation from the passage is a detail that best supports the central idea?

And thanks to my first story

Which quotation from the passage best develops the central idea that some ghosts are friendly?

All my misery vanished

How can a reader find the main idea of a passage?

It is easy to identify a main idea that is directly expressed in the text. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paragraph.

How does the evidence most support the central idea that Gandhi recognized indentured servant brutal treatment?

How does the evidence most support the central idea that Gandhi recognized indentured servants’ brutal treatment? The evidence shows that Gandhi felt sorry for a man who approached him weeping. The evidence details how Gandhi saw a man who had been beaten and knew that the man could not leave.