Which word best describes the tone This passage conveys?

Which word best describes the tone This passage conveys?

Thus, the tone this passage conveys is confident.

What was the term from Andrew Jackson’s message to Congress?

“Progress decay”. Explanation: In 1830, President Andrew Jackson addressed to the Congress in an attempt to relocate the eastern Native American tribes to land west of the Mississippi River.

Which statement accurately compares the diction in Andrew Jackson’s on Indian removal to that in Michael Rutledge’s Samuel’s memory?

The correct answer is A. Jackson relies on long, flowing sentences, whereas Rutledge relies on short, direct sentences. The difference between Andrew Jackson’s address to the Congress and Michael Rutledge’s “Samuel’s Memory” is clearly writing techniques and the use of language.

Which term from Andrew Jackson’s message to Congress on Indian removal has the most positive connotation apex?

Explanation: Embrace the opportunity is a term in the speech delivered by President Andrew Jackson to the United States Congress.

What is the purpose of Samuels memory?

A. To honor the memory of those who died on the trail of tears . Explanation: Samuel’s Memory is a genuine story of a 9-year-old Cherokee Indian kid, and his voyage on the Trail of Tears.

Which words best describes the tone of Samuel’s memory?

The best words to describe the tone of “Samuel’s Memory” would be sad and angry.

What is the tone of Samuel’s memory?

The tone that the author of samuel’s memory use to recount his great -great- grandfather’s story is sad and angry. Option D is correct. Samuel’s Memory tells a true story of a 9-year-old Cherokee Indian boy, and his journey on the Trail of Tears.

What argument did Andrew Jackson use to persuade people that the Indian Removal Act was good?

Terms in this set (5) Which argument did Andrew Jackson use to persuade people that the Indian Removal Act was a good decision? Removing American Indians will alow white settlers to become wealthier.

How did the Indian Removal Act benefit the United States?

The Removal Act would benefit white settlement and allow the country’s citizens to inhabit up and down the eastern coast. This included certain southern states such as Georgia and Florida, which was recently acquired from the Spanish.

How do you find out if you have Indian bloodline?

www.bia.gov/bia/ois/tgs/genealogy Publishes a downloadable Guide to Tracing Your Indian Ancestry. Has a vast online library, Tracing Native American Family Roots. www.ncai.org/tribal-directory Provides the online tribal directory where contact information for specific tribes can be found.