Which words in the sentence give the best clue to the meaning of vindicates?

Which words in the sentence give the best clue to the meaning of vindicates?

The words in the sentence that give the best clue to the meaning of vindicates is finds no fault. To vindicate means to justify, and if there are no faults in whatever it is you want to prove, it means it is vindicated.

Which of the following corrects the error in the meaning and usage in the sentence below?

The error in the meaning and the usage of a word in the sentence can be corrected by changing lumine to luminescent.

When you read carefully in order to determine the meaning of a challenging word you are?

When you read carefully in order to determine the meaning of a challenging word, you are

  1. Ambitious.
  2. 43 answers.
  3. 10.7K people helped.

Which of the following corrects the error in meaning and usage in the sentence below the festival and the public conference will run concur with each other?

Answer: Change concur to concurrently. Explanation: The festival and the public conference will run concurrently with each other.

What does the phrase crying there all night?

In the passage, when the narrator stated the phrase “crying there all night”, it would mean that the narrator feels a strong emotion of despair, disappointment, frustration, hopelessness or depression in which he or she had to cry out the entire night.

What’s the meaning of crying?

1 : to call loudly : shout She cried out for help. 2 : to shed tears often noisily : weep, sob The child began to cry after she dropped her ice-cream cone. 3 : to utter a characteristic sound or call heard the seagulls crying. 4 : to require or suggest strongly a remedy or disposition (see disposition sense 2b) …

What is the process of crying?

The act of crying has been defined as “a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures”, instead, giving a relief which protects from conjunctivitis.

Is crying over everything normal?

Crying is totally normal but you may want to cry less often or your crying might be due to a health condition. If you’ve suddenly started crying more, talk to a doctor. There could be a medical cause and treatment can help.

What emotions are more difficult for you to express?

Here are ten common reasons why people find it difficult to express their emotions to someone else.

  • Conflict Phobia. You are afraid of angry feelings or conflicts with people.
  • Emotional Perfectionism.
  • Fear of Disapproval and Rejection.
  • Passive-Aggressive Behavior.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Low Self-Esteem.
  • Spontaneity.
  • Mind Reading.