Which work of Plato was translated in Gujarati by Gandhiji?

Which work of Plato was translated in Gujarati by Gandhiji?


Which Hindu scripture was translated by Mahatma Gandhi in to Gujarati language?

Gandhi’s Gujarati translation of the Gita was published on the day that Gandhi, along with chosen satyagrahis, began his march to Dandi on 12 March 1930.

Who compared Gandhi with Socrates?

In 1931, more strikingly, Sir John Gilbert Laithwaite, a British civil servant and later private secretary to the Viceroy, wrote a pseudo-Platonic dialogue between Socrates and Gandhi, for the entertainment of another civil servant, Sir (Samuel) Findlater Stewart, the permanent under secretary of state for India ( …

What title did Gandhiji give to his Gujarati translation of Unto the last?

Which is regarded as supreme self sacrifice according to Gandhi?

It is not merely a negative virtue of non-killing and non-injury, but a positive virtue of doing good to others. Ahimsa is supreme kindness and supreme self-sacrifice. It is non violence in thought, word and deed. It is not only abstinence from killing and doing harm.

How did Gandhi use Ahimsa?

Gandhi. Gandhi took the religious principle of ahimsa (doing no harm) common to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism and turned it into a non-violent tool for mass action. He used it to fight not only colonial rule but social evils such as racial discrimination and untouchability as well.

What is the concept of ahimsa?

Ahimsa, (Sanskrit: “noninjury”) in the Indian religions of Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, the ethical principle of not causing harm to other living things. …

What is the essential element of ahimsa?

Ahimsa implies total nonviolence, no physical violence, and no passive violence. Gandhi translates Ahimsa as love. This is explained by Arun Gandhi in an interview thus; “He (Gandhi) said ahimsa means love.

Why is Ahimsa so important?

Ahimsa means non-injury. Jains consider nonviolence to be the most essential duty for everyone (ahinsā paramo dharmaḥ). It is an indispensable condition for liberation from the cycle of reincarnation, the ultimate goal of Jainism. The aim of ahimsa is to prevent the accumulation of such karma.

What is an example of ahimsa?

The definition of ahimsa is a religious philosophy that all life, including animals, is sacred. An example of ahimsa is being a vegetarian because of the importance of animals’ lives. The doctrine that all life is one and sacred, resulting in the principle of nonviolence toward all living creatures. …

What did Gandhi mean by Ahimsa?

The word ‘Non-violence’ is a translation of the Sanskrit term ‘Ahimsa’. He stated that in its positive form,’Ahimsa’ means ‘The largest love,the greatest charity’. Gandhi said that Truth and Non-Violence are the two sides of a same coin, or rather a smooth unstamped metallic disc.

Who propagates ahimsa?

Mahavira, the twenty-fourth and the last tirthankara further strengthened the idea in the 6th century BCE. Perhaps the most popular advocate of the principle of Ahimsa was Mahatma Gandhi. Ahimsa’s precept of ’cause no injury’ includes one’s deeds, words, and thoughts.

What are the six principles of non violence?

Principle one: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. It is active nonviolent resistance to evil. It is aggressive spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Principle two: Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.

What is Ahimsa and Satyagraha?

Ahimsa means and includes non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds towards all sentient beings. It has been used interchangeably with simple inaction and with direct action. Thus the compound word satyagraha means clinging to truth, holding fast to truth, insistence on truth or firm adherence to truth.

What were the 3 principles of Satyagraha?

Tapasya … or, the truth, the refusal do harm to others, and willingness for self-sacrifice in the cause. These three principles, really, form the core of a weapon that Gandhi was determined to use against the British Raj enslaving his country.

What are the three principles of Satyagraha?

For conflict resolution Mahatma Gandhi used method of Satyagraha [insistence on truth or Zeal for Truth] that has three pillars:

  • Sat-which implies openness, honesty, and fairness:
  • Ahimsa-refusal to inflict injury on others:
  • Tapasya-willingness for self-sacrifice:

What is Satyagraha short answer?

Satyagraha (Sanskrit: सत्याग्रह satyāgraha) is the idea of non-violent resistance (fighting with peace) started by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (also known as “Mahatma” Gandhi). Gandhi used satyagraha in the Indian independence movement and also during his earlier struggle in South Africa.

What does Swadeshi mean?

: a movement for national independence in India boycotting foreign goods and encouraging the use of domestic products — compare khaddar, swaraj.

What is Satyagraha for kids?

Kids Encyclopedia Facts. Satyagraha (Sanskrit: सत्याग्रह satyāgraha) is the idea of nonviolent resistance (fighting with peace) started by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (also known as “Mahatma” Gandhi). Gandhi used satyagraha in the Indian independence movement and also during his earlier struggle in South Africa.

What is the theory of Satyagraha?

The theory of satyagraha sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up in and attached to that end. Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use unjust means to obtain justice or to try to use violence to obtain peace. As Gandhi wrote: “They say, ‘means are, after all, means’.

What were Gandhi’s ideas on Satyagraha?

(i) Satyagraha emphasised the power of truth and need to search for truth. (ii) It suggested that if the cause was true, if the struggle was against injustice, then physical force was not necessary to fight the oppressor.

Is Satyagraha a philosophy?

According to this philosophy, satyagrahis—practitioners of satyagraha—achieve correct insight into the real nature of an evil situation by observing a nonviolence of the mind, by seeking truth in a spirit of peace and love, and by undergoing a rigorous process of self-scrutiny.

What are the essentials of Satyagraha according to Mahatma Gandhi?

According to Gandhi, satyagraha has two essential constituents: Righteousness of cause- good End and purity of Weapon- good means. End-Means continuum is the base of the Gandhian Way. Satyagraha inculcates agraha or moral pressure for the sake of truth.

Which were the two main features of Satyagraha?


  • abolition of untouchability.
  • social equality.
  • truth and non-violence.
  • basic education.

What is the meaning of satyagraha according to Mahatma Gandhi any three point?

Satyagraha was a form of mass agitation without any use of violence. It was based on the idea of the power of truth. If the cause was true and the fight was against injustice, a satyagrahi doesn’t have to use violence to win the fight.

What are the two principle of Satyagraha?

Explanation: Gandhi described the form of nonviolent struggle that he forged and used as Satyagraha. He defined the two main principles of Satyagraha as insistence on the Truth, holding to the Truth, and dependence on the force inherent in Truth.

Who led the Salt Satyagraha movement with Mahatma Gandhi?

Sarojini Naidu

What is meant by Satyagraha Class 10?

Satyagraha (Sanskrit: satya: “truth”, graha: “insistence” or “holding firmly to”) or holding onto truthor truth force – is a particular form of nonviolent resistance or civil resistance. Someone who practices satyagraha is a satyagrahi.