Who does Keiki end up with?

Who does Keiki end up with?


Are Keiki rare?

More frequent in Phalaenopsis, Epidendrum and Dendrobium orchids, Keikis are rare enough to warrant celebration. Keikis form when a mature orchid propagates itself by producing new leaves and roots – a copy of itself in miniature – along the flower stalk.

Can orchids have babies?

Orchids can reproduce asexually, and keikis (a Hawaiian word that means “baby” or “child”), are its offspring. On Phalaenopsis orchids, keikis usually form from an accumulation of growth hormones at a node. Like any baby, keikis require special care so they can grow into beautiful mature orchids.

Can you remove a basal keiki?

I remove them if the plant starts to become too much pf a space hog. As long as you have roots to support your keiki, it’s really a matter of personal choice. I leave my keikis on the plant because I like the way it looks, especially when they are all in bloom.

How long does it take for a Keiki to grow roots?

A keiki can take at least 8 months or even over 1 year to grow roots. It first focuses on growing several leaves, which can be as big as a few inches before roots appear. It sends out roots only when the parent is in its active growth phase.

How do you make Keiki paste?

2. Keiki Paste Recipe

  1. The ratio should be 1 part of BAP powder to 1000 parts of lanolin.
  2. You can experiment with the concentration up to 4 parts of BAP to 1000 parts of lanolin but not more than that because of some adverse effects which I will explain below.

Can you use Keiki paste on all plants?

Can Keiki paste be used for other plants than orchids? It is said that Keiki past may work for several other plants as well as one of the main ingredients Cytokinin is used in plants in general for cell division.

What is Keiki paste for?

Keiki paste is a cytokinin hormone which induces growth in the node of a Phalaenopsis inflorescence. It should not be confused with paste or powder containing auxins, which are used to force the production of roots.

How do you use Keiki clone paste?

  1. Cut or peel away bract with a toothpick or tweezers to reveal bud.
  2. Apply a pea-sized amount of Crazy Keiki Cloning Paste to bud.
  3. Continue caring for mother plant while Keiki develops.
  4. Keiki will emerge within 2-8 weeks depending on health of mother plant. Read more.

How do you use clone paste on plants?


  1. Find the Dormant Bud. For the majority of house plants, the dormant bud is going to be located at each node.
  2. Apply the Cloning Paste. A little bit of paste goes a long way!
  3. Wait. 2-4 weeks for shoot to emerge.
  4. Care for your plant as per normal.

Where do you apply clone paste?

Apply cloning paste to the dormant bud after it has rooted. Especially handy for cuttings with the growth tip removed. You can use it to get the mother plant to produce new shoots faster too.

What is plant cloning paste?

How Urban Botanist Cloning Paste Works. The natural lanolin base infused with plant hormones tricks your house plants into producing new shoots when applied to dormant buds. Commonly used in tissue culture, the active ingredient in the cloning paste ‘cytokinin’ promotes cell division and shoot proliferation.

What plants can I use Keiki paste on?

Phalaenopsis orchids

Do orchids live forever?

With proper care an orchid can be in bloom for months each year and can live indefinitely. In this respect orchids are an excellent value as far as blooming plants go.

What is an orchid child?

Orchid Child is a term used to describe a child who will do poorly or exceptionally well, depending on that child’s environment. As you might have guessed, the term brings to mind the orchid flower: a flower that requires special care, but under ideal circumstances, grows to become a thing of phenomenal beauty.

How do you tell if your child is an orchid?

Like the flower, Boyce says, “the orchid child is the child who shows great sensitivity and susceptibility to both bad and good environments in which he or she finds herself or himself.”

How do I know if my child is an orchid?

The possible combinations are endless and each child will have a continuum of receptivity when it comes to each sense. Orchid children may complain the tags in their clothes are too itchy, sounds are too loud, smells are too strong, or some foods taste so bad it feels it burns their tongue.

What is a tulip child?

Tulips are children who fall between high and low sensitivity. They are delicate like orchids and hearty like dandelions. Scientists and psychologists use these classifications to predict if the child’s environment and upbringing can protect them from the barriers they may face.